12- Cold, Sweet Revenge

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The morning light shone through my window, penetrating my eyelids, and eventually woke me up at 7 am in the morning from my peaceful slumber. Great. Already slept way past my bed time and here I am forced to wake up at 7 am in the morning all thanks to those damn translucent curtains. Shouldn't have fallen for those pretty embellishments. Hold on a minute....

"WHOA! How did I get here? I did not just fall asleep on our way here, yesterday !" I exclaim to myself in horror, making a fail attempt at reassuring myself.

"Oh snap!" I gasp. Hussain brought me up here. Looking blankly at myself, I notice that I had no shoes on, and they were kept neatly in my shoe rack in the corner of the room. I glance towards the curtains which hardly left even the smallest speck of light.

In confusion, I scrunch up my eyebrows and on revolving my head around my room, I see my fairy lights hung on the wall behind my bed and they simply looked gorgeous. He is so sweet for doing all this for me.

I smile to myself as memories from last night flash through my mind. His expression when I told him he was my favourite DhoomBro was....as if I confessed my love for him.

Clearing my thoughts, I unlock my phone to reveal 10 calls and a few messages from Nairah yesterday, asking me where I was. Damn. I shouldn't have muted my phone while I was out.

While I was busy scrolling through her messages, I suddenly notice that there was another message from last night, which I missed. I open up to reveal Hussain's message. My heart did a quick flip as I opened my inbox.


Hussain: Last night was mad fun and one of the most unforgettable nights of my life. Thank you so much for making it so special for me Lia. I hope you enjoyed too. Oh and uhh... sorry for having to carry you to your room bridal style ;) but it ain't my fault. You are such a heavy sleeper omg :p and I swear I didn't do anything. Trust me. LOL.

I laughed my head off at the last part of the message and tapping my fingers on the onscreen keyboard, I replied back.

Me: Hahahaha :p How am I supposed to trust you so easily. I'm a heavy sleeper remember? Nevertheless, I had an awesome time too :) Oh and thanks for hanging my fairy lights, but NO thank you for leaving them turned on at night so that they stung my eyes and served as a perfect alarm clock to wake me up at 7 in the morning. -__- lol :P

Just when I was about to put my phone away thinking he won't reply back since it's quite early, it vibrates violently in my hand.

Hussain: Morning :) oh, sorry for waking you up so early. :( You honestly don't trust me? :(

Aww. Mind kar gaya bechara. I reply back with some reassurance.

Me: Good Morningggg :D Naah. No biggie. I don't trust you, I have blind faith in you Hussain.

Hussain: Glad to know :) Now go back to your beauty sleep :p

Me: Well, I'll try if I can get some, but I highly doubt it. So, I just think I'm gonna go out and get some fresh air :)

Hussain: Fresh air??? Dude, did you even see the weather. It's heavily snowing outside. -_-

Me: So?

Hussain: You'll catch a cold or something.

Me: Dude, stop acting like my maa :p She does the same. Plus it's only SNOW. So just chill. Get it? Snow? Chill? Okay never mind :p

Hussain: LOL :p looks like you're learning some of our corny jokes. Okay, I won't stop you. But cover up okay? Weather here isn't the same as that in Pakistan. Where are you off to, by the way?

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