Chapter 6

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Prince Charming

Y/n POV:
I stared at my food. I lost my appetite cause someone kissed me. Who was that? Just as then, someone interrupted my thoughts. "YOU OKAY THERE Y/N? YOU'VE BEEN STARING AT YOUR FOOD" Papyrus asked, I shook my head a bit, "Y--yeah, I'm okay Paps. Just, zoning out a bit" I replied. He shrugs and went back to eating.

I looked around the cafeteria and my eyes landed on a particular person. PJ. He's laughing with his friends. I didn't notice that I was staring-- gazing too long. Our eyes suddenly met and I quickly look away and blush a bit. 'Weird..' I went back to eating.


I put my bag on the floor and Chuva came out. I flopped down at the couch when someone suddenly barged in my house. I felt a stinging sensation on my neck which made me scream. I pushed him on the ground and I went upstairs and locked the door. I touched my neck and saw blood. Shit. Just as suddenly, my phone rang. Its an unknown number. Someone suddenly banged at my door and said, "Open up if you don't want to get hurt!" I used my levitation to cover the door but nothing happened. Where's my powers? I tried but nothing happened. The person outside the door laugh, "Wondering what happened to your powers? I injected you with an Echo Flower Tonic. It made your magic disappear" Shit! I quickly dialed the unknown number and with just one ring they answered. "Hello?!" I said and I heard nothing. "H--Hello?! If someone is t--there please c--call a police or someone! P--please! S--someone is in my h--house and--" my door was suddenly opened and I cried. "P--please help me!" Fuck, I'm powerless without my magic. I can't fight back! Yannie where the fuck are you?!

The man pulled me up using my hair. "Now, now" he said and I teared up. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you" He grinned. "I'll torture you" a shiny blade was behind his back. He raised his right arm and was about to stab me when someone pulled him away from me and made me drop to floor. "What the fuck?!" He was then punched by the person. I can't see who it was since my eyes is tearing up and its dark in my room. He tied the man using my blanket. He turned to me and he gave me a handkerchief, he turned his back on me and walk to the door. He stopped a bit and glanced at me and disappear.

"Ma'am? Are you okay now?" The officer asked me and I nod. "Y/n?!" Yannie hugged me. "Are you okay?! Did someone hurt you? And, why is your neck bleeding?" She touched it and I winced. "Wait, is that," she wiped the blood and it turned light blue. As in, lighter blue. "Echo Flower Tonic? Did someone injected it to you?" She asked. She knows what it is? "Yes and do you know what it is? After he injected me with it I lost my magic. I can't shape shift or levitate" I asked and she sighed, "Echo Flower Tonic is a liquid that can heal monster. But, since your half human and the substance had been experimented by humans. I think they put something that deactivated your magic and made you human completely" she explained. Well, I'm okay with having no magic since I can fight. But, will it come back? "No, it won't" Yannie added. "My magic won't come back? Why?" I asked, "There should be an after effects but since your a hybrid. Your magic was exchanged for you to live, in short, your magic was taken away from you" she finished and sighed, "I'm just glad your okay" she hugged me and I sighed, "I was gonna get killed. When someone saved me." I said and she pulled away, curiously looked at me, "Who?" I shrugged and she chuckles. "Look like you got yourself a Prince Charming" I rolled my eyes and wondered.

'Who was that person?'

Oiii!!! Yannie here, sorry if its short. Em booooored!!!

So, who's the mystery person?
-Yannie1312 out! 💕

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