Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Sunday Candy

Today at lunch Candy served us with her delicious lasagna which tasted like heaven. I swear that girl is a goddess when it comes to cooking.

Right now, Candy and I were heading to the mall. Granny was nice enough to lend us her beloved Honda. I reached for the radio and the song called 'Sunday Candy' blasted through the speakers.

"This is my jam." I announced. There was no point denying that this song is very catchy.

"OMG! Mine too." Candy joined in on belting the lyrics with me.

"I got a future so I'm singing for my grandma." I started.

"You singing too, but your grandma ain't my grandma." She joined in.

It was weird how ironic some of the lyrics are to me and Candy. "You know, it's Sunday today and my name is Candy!"

I gasped dramatically. "Oh yeah. That's so cool. And weird." I stated as we laughed together. "This is my favorite part!" I announced.

"You gotta move it slowly.
Take it on my body like it's holy." -Me

"I've been waiting for you for the whole week. I've been praying for you, you're my Sunday Candy." -Candy

"Come on in this house 'cause it's gonna rain. Rain down Zion, it's gonna rain." We both belted out and bursted out laughing once again. Three minutes later, we finally arrived at the mall.

"All that singing made me hungry." Candy stated while rubbing her stomach.

"What are you talking about? We just ate lunch."

"That was then, this is now. Can you please let go of the past?" She answered sarcastically.

"Damn, sarcastic Candy is a hungry Candy." Fact.

We ended up heading to the food court. Candy's orders. We found an empty table near a pizza place. I went to order a large pepperoni pizza when I suddenly got distracted by the total eye candy on the counter.

He is definitely drop dead gorgeous who looks about 5'11 with ocean blue eyes and brown curly hair. He was taking an order from the person infront of me on the line and I couldn't stop admiring his muscles through that uniform. When it was my turn to order, I played it cool as if his royal hotness didn't bother me at all. Even though he looked hot and all, he wasn't exactly my type. I just tend to appreciate and admire other people's beauty.

"Good afternoon, miss. Welcome to Thin N' Crispy, what would you like to order?" He recited politely.

"Hi, can I get one large pepperoni pizza and two bottle of waters, please." I flashed him a friendly smile.

"That would be $16.49, miss." I handed him twenty dollars as he handed me the receipt.  "Your order will be ready in ten minutes." He gave me a charming smile which made me raise my eyebrows in admiration.

"You can keep the change." I said as I gave him a smile of my own and headed back to the table where Candy is fumbling with her phone.

"The pizza guy is so cute." I gushed as I sat across her.

She made a brief glance over to him and shrugged. "Eh."

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