Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - I Am Number Three

I'm in Calculus class right at this moment and our teacher has been discussing to us on how to solve this and that. I was starting to get bored and the teacher's dull voice didn't quite help my situation at all.

"Let's say that Mr. Mitchell here," The teacher said, pointing at Aiden as he gave us an example. He went to explain further on how to get the final answer. After his explanation, Aiden suddenly stood up from in front of me and widened his arms proudly.

"That's right, bitches. I bought 86 apples." He nodded to himself proudly as the whole room erupts in laughter including me.

The teacher scowled and slapped a detention slip on his desk angrily. "No cussing in my class." He growled lowly. "Mr. Holland will see you in detention." He handed Aiden a slip.

The laughter died down and the teacher went on to continue the discussion with a sour mood. The discussion finished quite fast and I could tell that he was in no mood to speak anymore because of what just happened earlier. He gave us homework for tonight which made all of us groan (except for Aiden, because he was fast asleep) and sat down on his desk, giving us a free time since there was still seven minutes left until class ends. He sat down on his desk and plugged in his earphones to isolate himself from the noise that suddenly erupted.

I reach out in front of me and banged my notebook on Aiden's head, interrupting his slumber. He abruptly sat straight with a baffled expression and turned to look at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Dude, I was just dreaming with the most awesome dream I ever had." He whined.

"Really, what about?" I asked, even though I'm not that interested to hear about it.

"About Candy." That perked up my interest. Noticing my expression, his face suddenly filled up with panic but he quickly covered it up with, I think I could say an expression that he always wears every time he argues with Candy. "I mean, duh. I was just dreaming about how I blackmailed Candy into doing every thing for me. Oh, how I would love to see that come true and look at her defeated face." He laughed evilly and his words almost convinced me that what he's saying is true.


"Okay." I said, totally unconvinced, to which he noticed.

"Seriously. I'm telling the truth."

"I said, okay."

"You obviously don't mean it." He narrowed his eyes.

"Look, I believe you." I placed my hands up innocently as if I was a criminal.

"Well, it doesn't look like it."

"It's because I don't."


"What?" As if on cue, the bell rang. Ah, saved by the bell. "See ya." I briefly waved him goodbye as I quickly ran out of the room as he called out my name. I ran as fast as I could to my next class, hoping I would lose Aiden in the crowd. I slowed down as I neared the classroom for my next class, which is Physics. I leaned on the wall for support as I breathe heavily to catch my breath. People were starting to stare at me curiously as they passed by. I hate it when people stare at me and don't say anything like come on, if you want an autograph just ask, I don't bite.

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