Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 - Smoothies & Sunsets

It's been a few weeks since I won the talent show and true to her words, Shelby did make my life a living hell. Well, actually, attempted to. There were three failed attempts and two successful ones. The failed ones were all because one of my friends caught her or someone told someone until it got to one of my friends. And for that, I am thankful.

The first successful attempt was when she locked me inside the girl's bathroom one afternoon and missed my last three classes before dismissal. Thankfully, when school was finally over for the day, someone opened up the door and I was free! The second was one was when she placed a frog in locker and the frog peed all over my stuff. I was seething because my homework was drenched in frog's pee. I confronted her about it and she was flat out playing dumb and looking satisfied for being successful. I let the pee dry out and passed it anyways.

Right now, Granny and I were decorating our Christmas tree happily, blasting out some Christmas songs that we jammed to joyfully. Although, my heart was in pain, knowing that my parents weren't here to celebrate Christmas with me but, I ignored it, wanting to be happy and enjoy Christmas like they wanted me. Besides, I'm gonna see them again someday. I'm trying to be as positive as I can.

And an update on Colton and I, we became a lot closer and my feelings for him were growing stronger. But, I've been refraining myself from telling him anything knowing he doesn't feel the same way as I do. Although, Candy and Monica would endlessly tease me about him when he's not around and that Colton likes me back. I'd straight out deny it and try to change the subject. Christmas was about next week and and yesterday was the last day of school before Christmas break. Tomorrow, I planned on gift shopping alone so that my gifts were unknown to anyone.

Suddenly, the phone started to ring and Granny was quick to pick it up. He greeted the caller from the other side and then in a quick snap, Granny's face dropped.

"It's for you, dear." Granny said quietly, giving me sad look and handing me the phone. I immediately knew who was calling. I dreaded this call. I tried to smile but it just looks forced and sad.

Grabbing the phone from her grasp, I sighed before answering, already knowing what the caller is about to say.


As I was picking out a gift for my aunt, I couldn't decide between a grey coloured suit or a mint green one. I was thinking that the grey one was something she similarly wears often but, the mint green one was a good change of colours to what she usually wears. If I had enough money, I'd buy both. Finally making a decision, a chose the mint green one and headed to the cashier. Thankfully, I've already bought stuff for the others and that aunt Roni was the last one I had shopped for.

After handing me my purchase, I walked out of the store with my head down, adjusting the bags in hand. Suddenly, I bumped into a tall, muscular guy, letting out an 'oof'.

"You can't just follow me around and bump into me purposefully, pumpkin." He said cockily.

Hearing that voice, my stomach suddenly whirled with butterflies. "You wish, Brennen." I say. I admit, I'm glad I bumped into him. I like the guy.

"Want to get a smoothie with me?" He asked casually, but I didn't miss the hopeful glint in his eyes.

I smiled. "Sure." Joy was shown on my face and if I don't get my shit together, he's probably gonna figure out I like him.

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