Modesty 1: Why Is It Important?

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At one point and time, you might have asked yourself:

Why is being modest so important?

Why can't I wear anything I want?

You might have heard in church your whole life that we need to be modest because it helps our brothers in Christ not stumble in sin. This is true, but modesty is more than just about what clothes you wear.

"Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel,"
I Peter 3:3‭ NKJV

As you can see in 1 Peter 3:3-4, God calls women and girls to not worry about their appearance. Real beauty comes from within and not from the jewelry you wear, the makeup you put on, or the clothes you buy.

"...That the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,"
I Timothy 2:9 NKJV

Propriety- ownership

Moderation- to avoid excess or extremes

Don't be anxious about your clothes but do watch what you wear. Modesty not only helps our brothers not stumble, but it also sets us apart from the world. A lot of girls, especially celebrities, these days like to wear shorts shorts, short dresses, and show off some cleavage. That is not the way Jesus calls His Daughters to be. He wants us not to rely on our appearance  to define ourselves.

Modesty also teaches you to be humble and selfless. It teaches you to think of others before yourself and not brag about what you have. In today's society, flashy cars, swimming in money, and the biggest house are constantly being flaunted in our face as if our life depended on getting these things. As a Christian, it's important to get these things in moderation.

So in review:

Why is being modest so important?

God calls women and girls to not worry about their appearance. Modest is also humbling yourself, not flaunting what you have, and getting things in moderation.

Why can't I wear anything I want?

Modesty not only helps our brothers not stumble, but it also sets us apart from the world.

Remember, you are the Daughter of the King. You are very precious in His sight, more precious than the earth's rarest jewel. So set yourself apart from the world and let your faith shine.

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