Modesty 2: Not Just For Females

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"Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way."
Romans 14:13 NKJV

The church often talks about how women should be modest to help our brothers not stumble in sin (Roman 14:13). While this is true, what about men? Women can get tempted by lust too, just like a women can sexually assault a man.

As your body is a temple of Christ, men should cover themselves too. Like wearing a shirt at the pool or the beach, and pulling their pants up and wearing a belt. Or maybe less tank tops. But guys shouldn't only be modest in clothes, they should be modest in posture. It drives me crazy when I see a boy sitting with his legs wide open. Not modest or Christian-like at all.

I didn't always think this way. I thought modesty was only reserved for girls, until one day I came across a video on YouTube by Katie Gregoire[Video above]. It really changed my prospective on modesty.

And it is NOT the men's fault that they stumble. For them, lust is a brutal battle, especially when the world keeps throwing it in their face. They should trust in God and His Word to help and guide them and pray. Remember, God's in control, He's got you.

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