The Missing Zabini (Hermione P.O.V)

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Today is the day of my eighteenth and I have a big surprise. My parents don't know that I found my adoption forms and have been hiding them from me for 18 years. I know that I am adopted and that I have a Twin brother but no clue what his name is. Or if he even knows that I am his sister. I am confused how my own parents don't know who my Biological parents are and wonder if they even planned on telling me. Oh well according to my parents the family should be arriving today. 

"Hermione your family is here," I hear my father yell.

"Coming," I say and run down the stairs and I run into the sitting room where I see none other than Blaise Zabini sitting there in between his mother and father. I stop dead and just stand there looking like I have recieved a huge shock. 

"Granger? Mom, Dad you've got to be joking," Blaise says.

"Zabini? Mom, Dad I am not related to a Slytherin," I say.

"Yes Blaise we are positive. Hermione Jean Granger is your sister," Mr. and Mrs. Zabini say. I collapse in a heap on the ground, before stopping moving at all. Blaise runs over to me and screams.

"She isn't breathing," he mutters. 

"Shit. Blaise get her on her back," my 'mother' says. He does as he is told and moves me onto my back. I feel someone's hands on my chest and I feel my heart start again. I cough and turn over into Blaise's arms. 

"Hermione are you okay?" he asks. I nod. He hugs me and I hug back. When we realise what we did we pull away.

"You didn't see that. Blaise that never happened," I say. 

"Agreed. Draco, Theo, and the rest of the Slytherins would kill me," he says.

"Blaise you care about your sister," his- no - our mother says. 

"Maybe only a little bit. Okay yes I care about her. I suspected that she was somehow related to me but didn't know how. Now that I know it is surprising. I can't believe that I tormented her and called her mean names for years and now I feel terrible, also your house is way to neat," he says. The last part directed at me. I laugh.

"So should I tell the Weasleys that I am your sister, and is he older or are we twins," I ask?

"Tell the weasleys that he is your twin brother. Also tell them that we are taking you back," Mom says. I nod. 

"I'll tell them only if Blaise comes with me," I say smiling. He nods then gasps.

"Mom there is only one problem. They won't believe it because she still looks nothing like me, how are we gonna fix that," he says.

"Oh right. Glamour Charm. Just give this to her after she has told them and it will immediately change her appearance," they say. He nods and we disapparate. When we arrive at the Burrow, and I see Ginny, and George talking because they were the closest to Fred, I smile.

"Hey Gin, George," I say hugging both of them. 

"Mione. Zabini," they both say hugging back, and then nodding at Blaise. 

"Guys I will do the talking. I was adopted and Blaise is my brother. My twin brother. he is older than me by 10 minutes. Also when he was tortured by Voldemort I could feel the pain he was going through. Is that normal George," I ask? He nods.

"Yeah, you have special twin powers with him. Stuff like Telepathy, feeling each others emotions, and hair color changes according to mood," George tells me. I nod and then Ginny pipes up.

"I believe you that you are his twin but why don't you look anything like him," she says. I nod and Blaise gives me the potion.

"Before you drink it someone might want to restrain me," he says.

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