Back to Hogwarts

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I am so happy that we are finally going back to school. I can't believe that we were doing all of the things we did over the summer. I became so close with the rest of the Slytherins it is scary. I know that Ron is not going to take the entire me being a Zabini and transferring houses thing well at all. I mean he already knows about the Zabini part but not the being resorted one. Ginny and I had an awesome summer with the other slytherins.

"You'll fit in with us perfectly now," Pansy says and the girls and I start laughing. I smile as Theo wraps his arms around me. 

"You look beautiful as always sweetheart," he mutters gently against my ear. I shiver at the feeling.

"Theo, we are in a group of people, so don't make me blush, and shiver like that on the train," I say. He nods, but I know that he enjoys me shivering and blushing so he won't listen. Ron doesn't really like that I am a Zabini, and Harry just doesn't know what to think. I know that Ginny and Blaise started dating. Harry didn't like that one but as he cheated on her he lost all rights to criticize. I honestly wanted to punch him when my best friend showed up at the Grangers looking like she was about to burst into tears. I hated what I heard when I got the answer out of her. She tried saying it was just hormones and it would pass but I knew she was lying really quickly. I quickly look around and then realize that Pansy has left the room. Theo then starts kissing me,and of course I melt into the kiss. After about twenty minutes of lazing around, and kissing my brother comes in to tell us we need to go back to school.

"I don't wanna go back to school. I need to work there," I say. My brother, and Theo laughs. 

"Wait alert the media, Mia doesn't want to go back to school," Blaise says laughing really hard.

The Sorting hat told me as a first year

I would be in Hufflepuff

Some students laughed at me as I sat down

I thought I wasn't good enough

"I can't believe this is our final year. I also am so excited that my sister is Head Girl. She is very clever and intelligent, and totally deserves it," Blaise says. I wish I thought.

There's nothing wrong with having Badger pride

Cause it's the house where I belong

So hold your head up kid and don't you cry

The sorting hat is never wrong

I don't know. Could it have been wrong to sort me into Gryffindor. I mean if it could have seen my true heritage than wouldn't it have put me in Slytherin, or Hufflepuff.

I'm Hufflepuff and I'm proud

No I'm not one of the crowd 

I'm in the right house baby

I was sorted this way

Was I correctly sorted? No probably not. I will get back to Hogwarts and will get sorted into a different house and all of my friends will hate me. More than they already do. 

Some people won't accept you

Just find the strength to be true

You're in the right house Baby

You were sorted this way

Yes but that doesn't mean that I am brave. I value bravery but am not actually brave. I can't believe myself. I can't have enough faith in myself that I was sorted correctly. 

Oh there ain't no other way

Babe I was sorted this way

Baby I was sorted this way

I am so bored of people thinking that I am not right. 

I am where I want to be with my family. I am done with the entire you are not who you are thing. It is annoying as hell, and I am tired of wondering what people mean. 

"What if I am put back in Gryffindor," I ask?

"You won't be," Pansy says.

"How do you know," I ask?

"Because you are a bloody Slytherin or Hufflepuff through and through," she says. I smile and then remember that I have to go to the Head's compartment. 

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