Living in the Manor

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So we finally arrived at Zabini Manor and it is even bigger than Malfoy Manor which is surprising to think that there is a family with an even bigger house than the Malfoy's. Blaise instantly grabs onto my hand and runs into the house.

"Blaise how rich did you say we were again," I ask?

"I didn't," he says smirking.

"How rich are we," I question returning the smirk.

"Take the Malfoy fortune- don't deny you have seen it after breaking into there vault- and multiply it by four and you get how rich we are," Blaise says.

"Wow," I mutter. He smiles and hugs me.

"Ready to meet the rest of the siblings," he asks? I nod still to shocked to speak. "Okay. EVERYONE GET IN TO THE SITTING ROOM NOW!!," he yells. All of a sudden I hear five different voices yelling that they are coming. "Guys formal introductions," he says and the eldest one comes forward, this person happens to be my very smart and handsome twin.

"Well I am Blaise Zabini your very cunning twin," he says smirking and I gently slap him on the back of the head.

"Can you all please say your age, no Blaise you shut your mouth," I say.

"My name is May June Zabini. I am fifteen and am in Ravenclaw," she says.

"My name is Matthew Jonathan Zacarias Zabini. I am fifteen and am in Hufflepuff, and yes I am May's twin brother," my younger brother says.

"Wait I think I have met you. I know a lot of Hufflepuffs," I say. He nods.

"I know you and it was really hard for me not to tell you that you were my older sister," Matt says.

"My name is Lucille Narcissa Molly Zabini. I am twelve and I am in Slytherin," she says. I nod, and hug her.

"My name is James Evans Zabini. I am eleven and I don't know what house I will be in but I hope either Gryffindor or Slytherin. I am named after Lily, and James Potter," he says. I nod.

"Well let me tell you this you were named after two Gryffindors who gave there lives to protect there only child. I understand that Lucius Malfoy and our own father risked there lives to hide me so that Voldemort couldn't find me," I say. He nods and steps back into line.

"I am Jean Linda Marie Alyssa Zabini. I am nine and I think that you are very pretty, and am glad that you are back in the family. I also prefer to go by Linda or Alyssa," the youngest said.

"So let me get this straight. Blaise, then May and Matt, then Lucille, then James, then Linda," I say.

"Yeah, but you forgot one important person in the list. Yourself. Happy Birthday Mimi," Blaise says hugging me.

"Happy bitthday yourself," I say hugging him back. All of a sudden our mom and dad come in.

"The Malfoy's, Nott's, Parkinson's, and Greengrass's are here Blaise," they say.

"Great my tormeters," I say. Blaise laughs.

"They'll be nice. That is if they know what's good for them," Blaise says.

"Okay," I say and go into the dining room to see the kids there.

"Hey all meet my twin sister her name is Mia, or mimi. She is my long lost twin and I love her already," he says.

"Nice to meet you all," I say.

"Did you go to Hogwarts Beautiful," Draco says not realising it is me now that I am his enemy.

"Draco that's my sister," Blaise says sharply.

"And my Girlfriend," Theo says growling. I laugh as both boys glare at Draco.

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