Having a bad marriage with Hvitserk

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"I bet you enjoy being married to Hvitserk though?" Sigurd teased and you scoffed.

"I wouldn't know, ask Margrethe." You said without thinking.

Hvitserk's head shot round from Ubbe to look at you. A glimmer of guilt and hurt flickered there before his eyes darkened. He watched you until you dropped your eyes to your dinner and took a mouthful before excusing yourself. Ubbe glanced at you with a sigh and nudged his brother.

"(Y/N)." He called as you left the main hall, stopping you as turn and face him. He awkwardly kissed you on the forehead before letting you go on your way.

You rushed home. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you sucked in deep breaths. When you go to your cabin you frantically grabbed at your things. You would wait until dark and leave. You didn't have to stay, not when it was clear you weren't wanted.

Hours later Hvitserk returned and you made sure he'd seen you getting into bed. "(Y/N)?" The soft question came from near you. There was a moment when you thought perhaps he'd sit on the bed or lay beside you. But instead he sighed and left, the door banging behind him.

The tears finally broke the dam and soaked your pillow as you sobbed silently, pulling the furs around you as you curled up. At one point you flipped over furiously, annoyed that you'd let yourself get into the situation you found yourself in. Finding all the reasons it could be your fault.


The light was what woke you. Then the cold. Rolling over you took in the sight of the empty space next to you. It was a familiar sight but it still hurt. You'd been so excited, marrying a son of Ragnar, Hvitserk. He was sweet you'd thought.

Every waking minute it seemed he spent avoiding you. With a heavy heart you dressed, wrapping yourself up as you headed to the market. Without really thinking you took a short cut that lead you to where the brother's were all sat talking.

"You should have heard her begging." Hvitserk chuckled. "You're a lucky man Ubbe, the things she does with that mouth."

You tried to rush past without being noticed but Ivar had a devilment in his eyes. "(Y/N)!" He called and waved you over.

"She is always hanging about." Hvitserk hissed quietly but you'd heard. It was clear everyone had and Ubbe winced as you stopped and turned, walking away without a word.

"She is your wife Hvitserk." Sigurd scolded his older brother and rolled his eyes at the chuckles of the older two.

"I have a bed that is warm. All I needed was a woman to keep my home and to stop mother wife hunting." He retorted with a smug smile. Even Ivar found the lack of care Hvitserk had for you out of place.

"You should show her some attention Hvitserk." Ubbe pointed out but he just shrugged.

"She has not complained. Beside, She eats with me, what more could she want?" Hvitserk asked as they began to walk to the main hall.

"A husband probably." Ivar offered by way of answer through a mean snicker.


"I have to meet Hvitserk." Margrethe said loudly. Her friends around her giggled and she smiled, proud to have so many Ragnarssons fussing over her.

You rushed to hide, there was a place that you'd sit and think, gathering your thoughts in places that had nothing to do with Hvitserk. It was a place that you thought no one knew about.

As it got dark you began to hear sounds. Deciding that it meant another person was nearby you got to your feet, dusted yourself off, and set your mind to tell Hvitserk how badly you were feeling.

You turned down the final half of the path and stopped dead. Hvitserk was on his knees before Margrethe, the noises of pleasure flooding from her which only seemed to encourage Hvitserk.

He didn't spot your right away. Not until he was on his feet and kissing her, tilting his head and then he saw. You both stared at each other for a moment. There was no way either of you could deny seeing the other.

He started to walk over to you but by the time he'd reached where you were stood you'd vanished. "Hvitserk?" Margrethe called and he smiled as he strolled back over to her.

He didn't come back home. You knew where he was, what he was doing. Why you'd come back to the home you were supposed to share and carried on as if nothing happened you couldn't tell.

With a final angry sob you grabbed your pack, dragging it from its hiding place, one of Hvitserk's traveling cloaks was tossed around your shoulders as you hurried out into the night.

It didn't take long to reach the docks but you had to pass the main hall. Pulling the hood over your face you rushed past figures. "(Y/N)?" Hvitserk called.

If you'd glanced back you would have seen the confused man stood, horn of ale on hand and his brother's staring after you, gathered behind him. You let out a shaky sigh as you reached a boat. When you went to pull coins from your waist a large hand wrapped around your own.

"Don't." The hand squeezed gently and you turned to face them. "Don't leave him (Y/N). He's an idiot."

"I can't stay." You whispered and he nodded, glancing to where Hvitserk had followed Ubbe half way. He was watching the scene and his mind whirred, you'd never complained about his absence, were always friendly with Ubbe and now. His brother had run after you as if the gods were after his head.

"Stay, teach him a lesson." Ubbe offered with a smile. "He'd deserve it. I do not mind sharing her with him. But he should take care of you too."

"It was like a dream. That he wanted to marry me." You said so softly Ubbe thought you might give up and collapse right there on the docks.

"Ubbe come on, the feast isn't finished and we still need to get back." Hvitserk called and Started walk towards you both. "What're you two doing?"

"You're a free woman (Y/N), remind him of that." Ubbe winked at you as Hvitserk got closer and looked at you expectantly for an answer.

"I used to think you were so brilliant." You said to him and Hvitserk grinned happily. "You're worse than the stories about Ivar. I hate you Hvitserk." Without waiting for a reply you stepped onto the boat.

Hvitserk Ragnarsson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now