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"So, who is she?" Ubbe asked as Hvitserk turned up looking a little dishevelled.

"Who?" He asked quickly and Ubbe chuckled. He was the one to spot you staring at Hvitserk and when he winked you blushed. Hvitserk looked over and grinned. "Oh. Her."

"Yes her. She is pretty brother, have you forgotten how to share?" Ubbe asked and Hvitserk shrugged.

"Her father is forcing her to marry some Earl. I already have to share her." He mumbled and smiled when you realised you'd been staring at him again.

"She liked you?" Ubbe asked and Hvitserk nodded. "So, claim her for yourself."

"It will not work. Her father will only accept her marrying you, Ivar or Bjorn. He says no one knows my name. She claimed that the only person who need know my name was herself." Hvitserk smirked at that.

They both watched you, Ubbe admiring the sway your body held as you walked. Hvitserk wondered if perhaps the Gods had misplaced you on some raving adventure and he'd lucked out, winning a prize that should not be.

Ubbe's hand tightened on his brother's shoulder when the Earl arrived, grabbing your ass at which you flinched away from him. "Hvitserk do not do anything foolish." Ubbe warned as they watched your father lead you away.

"We are to board separate ships and I am probably never going to see her again. What should I do, just let her go?" Hvitserk grumbled as he followed Ubbe to their boat.

"Yes." Was all Ubbe said as he climbed aboard. Hvitserk did the same but chose to stare after you and daydream rather than be of any help. Seeing as he hadn't made some mad dash to sweep you off your feet in his playful way Ubbe was grateful for his ability to control himself and left his brother to his own mind.

"Excuse me Hvitserk?" A Shieldmaiden carrying your father's colours said. "This is for you and you should know what it means." She said kindly. Hvitserk smiled, knowing some of your father's warriors didn't approve of the way your father ruled over you, and had been more than happy to help the two of you.

When he opened it, he realised the little parcel was the hem of your cloak and inside was a charm that you had worn your first night with Hvitserk. He smiled, hanging the charm from his neck while he held the cloth, unsure where to store it to keep your scent.


"Hvitserk." Ubbe hissed as he shook his brother.

"Ubbe what are you...!" A hand slammed over Hvitserk's mouth and Ubbe beckoned for him to follow.

"The earl is..." Ubbe started but Hvitserk, tired and biter cut him off.

"Marrying (Y/N). I know why we are here brother." He snapped and Ubbe hushed him.

"The Earl plans to kill her and her father at the feast after the wedding. I am supposed to convince you to lure her off on her own." Ubbe admitted. Hvitserk stopped short and glared at his brother and had his sword been to hand he might well have struck his brother down there and then.

"I will not help you kill her!" He hissed, letting Ubbe pull him out of the way.

"Of course, not you fool! We are to look as if we are going along with the plans. King Harold, Halfdan and Ivar are hiding. You walk her through their ranks and the warriors who claim to serve (Y/N) and not her father will escort you to their boats." Ubbe explained quickly, glancing around.

"Why would they help?" Hvitserk asked, wondering if Ubbe was just joking.

"Ivar is thirsting for bloodshed, Harold wants this earldom and if she is able to marry you or live safely elsewhere she has given it to him. Now. Prince Hvitserk, son of Ragnar Lothbrok. Are you going to sit and pout or save your woman?" Ubbe asked.

"I shall but... you should know she is not one to need saving." He muttered and Ubbe nodded.

"Believe me I know. I tried to warn her and it took several attempts to get the message across. She has a firm kick and knows where to place it." Ubbe grunted and winced as if thinking about the experience.


"My father is going to be furious." You whispered as you and Hvitserk ran hand in hand to the boats. Happy warriors followed you.

"What he thinks soon will not matter. We shall be gone." Hvitserk said with a smile as he kissed you.

"He will not notice I am gone until tomorrow. He does not care enough to check." You murmured and Hvitserk laughed.

"I believe I have stolen you. And am to keep you captive should I need to swap you for my brothers." He said. You looked nervous as you settled into the boat but he stroked your cheek. "Do not worry. We are very good at battle."

"I have heard." You hummed recalling Hvitserk's attempt to impress you which was to list off every battle he'd been in with great detail. "Remind me to apologise to Ubbe." You added as Hvitserk sat beside you and tucked you under his cloak as the boats pushed off.

"I would not worry. He can not stay upset with anything pretty. I imagine a beauty like you could get away with anything." He smiled when you became flustered and hid in his side.

Hvitserk Ragnarsson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now