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Asalamou Aleykoum wa RahmatouLlah wa Barakatouh.

BismiLlah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim.

I am a French speaker and I wrote this book in French and I had the idea to translate it into English even if it is not perfect. Excuse me for the mistakes and if you can correct me too it would be great. ☆

Nowadays it would seem that there would be more Muslims than Catholics. Let me doubt it. It should be known that a Muslim is not a person who says he is, but a Muslim practices his religion. And from our day sincerely there is more non-practitioner than practitioner. Among people who are born Muslims, there are some who are asked small questions about their religion but do not know what to answer. Please for Allah and for yourself PRAY! What's stopping you? My brother, my sister, wAllah that I only want your wellbeing. Death does not prevent. What doesn't tell you that the angel is above you? Counting your hours, minutes or seconds? Please, if you stop praying, get up right away and pray. Ask Allah Azzawajal to forgive you for your sins and guide you to the right path, not to let you sink into disbelief. Take your time during your prayer, nothing urgent. Concentrate on every word you say, do not let sheytan distract you because he wants a companion in hell. You know he's already going to hell so why are you following him? Why are you letting him distract you? Repent and leave the path of the devil and follow the good path. Of course you may say that it's hard enough to change overnight, but did you think about it the day you left the right path to follow sheytan? Please, before it's too late, get up and pray as much as you can. Respect your five prayers and do them on time for those who did not do it. Do you understand that Allah Soubhana wa Ta'la sees you and knows what is hidden in you? What you do, what you think, what you did not do.

My brother, my sister, do you share with those who need it? Do you know that men poorer than you on earth share more than you do? You know that you have, so share with those who have less or who have none at all. How many times have you snubbed a beggar who only wanted to eat? How many times have you passed by a father or a mother who wondered how he would feed his family? Many children are now in the street suffering from cold or a disease whose names and causes will never be known by them because nobody is there for them and nobody cares about them. Please, could you at least try to change the life of one of them? You may encounter one every day that you hunt because you find it tiring. Instead of chasing him, you can help him, just put yourself in his place for a moment and you will know that if he could, he would certainly not be there.

My brother, my sister, are you fasting? You must know that fasting helps a lot. When I say fasting, I mean fasting and be modest, gentle, humble and respectful. Fasting and give everything you have. During the month of Ramadan, this month that passes surprisingly fast, this little month when Allah Soubhana wa Ta'la hold all the sheytans so that you can repent even more easily, Yes I'm talking about this month that most or us are spending their time sleeping and playing in their house. What prevents them from being an active member of the community and helping the poorest to have food for breaking the fast. And even outside Ramadan, fasting remains important. Personally during the days when I fast, it's like a little return to reality. So fast as often as you can and keep yourself from abandoning yourself in the pleasures.

For the pilgrimage, it's not easy for everyone. Nowadays men believe that pilgrimage is for those who are old. At 19 years old today, if I talk about pilgrimage, I will not even be listened to. But for those who will have the opportunity to go there, please do not turn away, go for it! Because many people would have taken your place willingly.

For people who testify that there is no God but Allâh Ta'ālā, that Muhammad Sa'allahu Aleyhi wa Salam is his prophet and who believe in all revealed books, what are you wainting for to be the better Muslims? To fight against sheytan to the last third of your existence? In Shâ Allah we will all be in paradise. AMÎN !

May Allah guide us and forgive us.

Be under the protection of the Almighty. ♡

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