Annas POV
You've have had a hard day miss Charlotte sead.
Why do you Think I have had a hard day ?
The meting with the pirate it must have been terryfing she sead.
Yes it was I sead. Still wondering why everey bodey is treating me with silk gloves. Do I look terrified no I do not so why is everybodey assuming that I am?You know Charlott begun Lord Becket will propose any time soon now.
How do you know that? I asked.
Because I just am.
I coud not healp but to smile at the way that Charlott had sead it.
You know Becket has a lot off seacrets and it is good to know maby a few off them before you marry Carlotte sead.
I will not marry Becket I sead.
You migt be as stobburn as a donkey miss but we both know that you will marry him.
I knew Charlott was rigt but I did not want to belive that.Becket guards his seacrets well miss they are realy hard to uncover but I think I know a Pearson who migt know some off them.
Who I sead.
Jack Sparrow.He was about to be execuded tomorow. But if he knew something about Becket that I coud use as my advantige I made my decishon. I was going to see Sparrow.
Jacks POV
Come on doggi the pirates in the other celles called for the dog with the keys.
You can ceep doin that and that dog still woun't move he sead.
Well sorry if we don't realy like the tougt off faicing the gallovs just yet.
Jack grinned and turned his head away. He wonderd who that had hit him in the head with the bottle. A girl coud not possibly hit that hard even with a bottle. Whoever it was he sure was strong.
The dor opend and a yang man came in. Wath was he doin her in the middle off the nigt.
You Sparrow he sead. No this was intresting.
Aye he ansverd as he eyed the lad.He had a lose wite shirt and Brown trousers his boots was Black and he had a ligt Brown coat he had a hat so
he coud not see his face. For some reason Jack felt like there wasen't something that was quite rigth with the lad but he didn't know why.Wath do you know off Lord Becket? The name hit Jack lika cold wather Becket was the wery man who had marked him with the p.
But trou the years he had learnd some off Beckets seacrets.I know some things he sead.
Tell my the lad sead.
Why woud I tell you I don't see waths in it for me ?
I can get you out off here the läs sead and took a keychain from his pocket.
Deal the lad asked?
Oh he was good Deal Jack sead.The lad hold out his hand and Jack tok it but he used his other hand to knok off the hat from the lads head as he did it he was surprised. The lad wasent a lad at all in fackt it was the goveners daugther in boys clothes.
Well well love Jack sead wile trying to hide his surprise I knew you woud come for me.
I need information about Becket Jack she sead.
Aye but why?
Because I woud like to know something about the man I will proberly marry other than that he dosen't like tarts.She didn't sem to happy about it thou.
Weddings I love weddings he sead drinks all around he sead.
He hasent proposed yet she sead.
Jack was confused but didn't you say he begun.
I sead proberly Sparrow he tried to propose to me today after you thretend me actualy but I interupted him before he had goed that far.So about Becket wath do you know she asked.
I don't know so mutch about Bekets seacrets witch is wath I Think you want to know about but I do know three things.
One Becket has betreyed and his most loyal companions and have you done it once you will do that again.
Two he is obsessed with pirates and not I mean killing them and Three well I am not compleatly sure about this one but he has killed his ovn family.She nodded okei I am not compleatly sure about two and thre but she was interupted from the saund off Canon fire.
I know those Canons Jack sead It is the Pearl.
The Pearl one off the pirates in the other celle sead I have heard stories the Black Pearl komes at nigt and leavs no survivurs.
No survivurs and were did the stories come from I wonder Jack sead.The pirates looked confused and he expected to se the same look on Annas face but she did not look konfused at all she in fact looked like she was putting the pices together.
To be honest the girl intruiged him she was like no other girl he had ever met.
Suddenly he heard footsteps and he saw Anna hid behaind a barrel.
In the next moment the dor brust open.
This aint the armury.
Jack emiditly recognised the two off them from the Black Pearl when he was capitan.Well well isen't it Capten Jack Sparrow last time I saw you you were stranded on an Island.
Jack responded with something that they didn't quite like because one off them took him by the troath but that was exacly wath he was going for.
When the moonligt sone at his hand it turned In to a sckeleton one.
So there is a curse Jack sead thats wery intresting.
You know nothing off hel.
They walked out the dor.He saw Anna look at them with a curious expression on her fase. She got upp and started to walk to the dor.
Hey waith wath about me Jack sead.
She looked at him and it was clear that she had forgotten about him för a second. He was annoied being forgotten but somehow he was more annoyed to be forgotten by her he quickly got rid off the tougt.She ran over to him gave him the keyes and ran for the dor without a single word.
But just as the dor had closed behind her she ran back again tok a sword.
Lifted the hand to her temple and then bougt it back and ran for the dor.Jack cukeld she really did do a special get away he looked at the dor she had just gone out from. Why am I still in this cell he tougt and opend it with the keyes.
Hey a pirate yelled wath about us?
Wath about you?
You cant just leave us here.
Yes I can.
No you..............
He didn't get father because Jack had grabbed his effects and goed out off the room.When Jack came out on the streat it was caos children and women running and men figting.
Well exept for one woman he tougt as he spotted her figting one off the pirates who had broken in in the prison.He was just about to get going when he felt a pistol being put to his head.
Hello pirate Norrington sead.
Now lets get you back to prison.Okei so I did this chapter more from Jacks wju and I really want to know wath you Think about it please rewju.
the Black Swan Pirates off the caribien
DragosteAnna Swan is Elisabeths older sister when Elisabeth gets ciddnaped by Pirates she and Will goes to (guess who) capten Jack sparrow for healp. Will he agre to save Elisabeth and will he fall for Anna and will he find out who hit him in the head an...