Chapter Four

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I swiftly turn around to find Laurence gripping my shoulder gently

What in the heck

"please don't go" he asks in a whisper I see tears in his eye

"i- I won't " I say gently taking his hand off my shoulder

What did he do that for, why is his hand so cold...  Maybe it's just me.  But  why does he want me to stay even though he won't talk to me about his problems I don't see the point but I need all of our members in good shape plus he is a person and has emotions so I need to care.  I shiver as the bristling wind from the open window brushes my check harshly

"but before we talk can we get out of this bathroom and at least check on the others then we can go somewhere and talk" I say giving him a smile hoping to make his day better

"yeah let's go"

We walk out the room

And go see everyone in the garage Camden had a smirk.  That dirty dirty sea star.  Abby looks scared and runs to my side.

"what are we gonna do now" abby whimpers

I got on my knee to be level with her.

"hey relax. Where is the girl at that killed  that thing outside."

"I I don't know. "

"we all are going to be okay I promise" I hug her.

"okay someone we need food ready for tonight." I say looking at Carlie

"Carlie take charge while I'm gone.  Laurence and I are going to get some stuff from the local gas station its a block down the road. " I stand up and grab my stuff

Me and Laurence head off.
We find a resolute place to take a small break we were about half way there so I didn't mind it.

"so," I said
"ugh I just find it so hard to find a starting place" he says clearly frustrated.

"start off where you are from"

Okay everybody it wake up time.  I roll over and see Abby laying against me. I sat up and walked to the restroom. I brushed my hair and threw it up into a ponytail. I texted my parents.

Me: We are safe. We will come home. We love you!

Parents: OMG we love you too but army officials have canceled any flights in or out! We believe in you!!

I put my phone in my backpack. Walking over to Abby and shake her awake.

"hey come on get something to eat."

"okay,  do we have granola bars"

"yes,  but get a water too!"

I swear I think I'm a little too over protective.

I wake everyone. Time to prep for a looong day. I walk upstairs and opened a door and found a room full of machines. Computers printers radios. Camden knows how to mess with all of this. Maybe we can get ahold of a rescue boat or something.

I run down the stairs nearly slipping to Camden.

"I found a radio and some other equipment mind taking a look?" I ask

"sure I'll be there in a second"

He returns to his convo with Carlie. I found Abby chatting with Amanda.

I lean against the wall sipping water from my bottle. I pull out my phone.

Me: Tell everyone to meet in the garage in 20. I have plans.

Carlie: I was thinking the same.

I walk outside and open the gate closing but gently behind me those walkers begin to approach. I stabbed one directly in its head touching its brain. It collapsed and stayed down not moving. Another approached I stabbed it in the heart and it kept moving. I cut its arm off it kept moving. Then it's leg. It was still crawling. Ew. I stabbed it in its head and it stopped.

It seems they can only die if there brain gets damaged. Hm. How do they detect us without noise or can they? Another then approached. I stayed still. It layed its undead eyes on me. It's orange hair barley attached to its greenish black slimy skin. She reached her arm out and ripped a small hole in my shirt.

I cut her hand off. Black goo pored on my shirt. As that happened the other walkers looked around. Maybe they have a since of smell. Wait is this black goo toxic? Will it hurt me. I kill the Walker in front of me and cut its arms off. I wrap its arm in a towel and carry it back. I hid it in a bush by the gate. No one can know about my experimental ideas.

I walk back in the gate. Everyone is there. Just like I asked. I grabbed Carlies arm gently pulling her to the side.

"I have information on those things. Just stand next to me and look intimidating. " I tell her

"got it" she replys

I stand up on a broken truck bed. Did I mention we wheeled a broken truck in to fix it up? Laurence is a mechanic.

"okay! Look everyone. " I start shouting
"those things we will now refer to as walkers. They sense you by smell. They smell you. At this point I'm not sure if the smell, flesh, blood or anything like that all I know is that our smell attracts them.....  The only way to kill them is damaging the brain. If you don't damage the brain it still functions..." I state looking at the crowd.

"any questions?" Carlie steps up and asks

Lulu raises her hand.

"yeah Lu"

"what is our next course of action" Lulu asks sternly.

Carlie looks back at me. I shrug my shoulders.

"We are going to raid local banglos and gas stations tomorrow in daylight" Kylee opens the gate walking in.

"woah your back" Amanda gasps  in surprise.

Kylee has been gone over night. She went for food. Meds and other items. Carlie is a doctor she went to med school for 5 years.

"I left a few items in bunglos and I haven't touched the gas stations." she walked to the supply table dropping her bag.

Laurence helps me off the car and carlie jumps yelling YOLO.
It is now dark and Abby is laying down asleep but I'm watching over her. While I sort through my thoughts.

If there blood was toxic I would've changed by now. We have been bitten before but haven't turned. Maybe it's because we all have strong ammune systems. Obviously anyone from here would turn. Or anyone not exposed to something. I don't know now I'm confusing myself.

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