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Gotham episode: Arkham [1x04]

I walk into Fish's place, coffee mug in hand.

"Hello Aubrey."

"Hi Fish." She motions for me to sit at the table at the center of the dance floor with her. "So what's on the agenda for today?"


"I love it. So who are we looking for?" I take a sip of my coffee.

"I'm looking for something. I'll know what I'm looking for when I see it."

"Sounds good." This girl gets up and begins to sing. She's a nice looking girl and she's got a pretty voice.

"She's got talent." Butch says coming over and scaring the mess out of me.

"Jeez Butch." I say. "A little warning next time." He places his hands on my shoulders and lightly squeezes them.

"Sorry doll." I look up at him and he winks. "She's not bad looking."

"Hm." Fish says. "That's plenty." She says to the girl. "Come to me so I can take you in." The girl gets off the stage and walks towards the table. "You sing very nicely. But for this job, I need more than pipes and a pretty face."

"I'll do whatever it takes." She says.

"That's what I like to hear... So, do you like boys or girls?"


"Alright then. Pretend I'm a boy. Seduce me." I move out of the way and the girl comes behind Fish and begins to massage her shoulders. I look over at Fish's face and she's not pleased. I try to hide my smile behind my coffee cup. Fish places her hand on the girl's hand to stop her. "It's a good thing that you can sing. Butch, put a pin in this one."

"We'll call you." He says to her. I pull my chair back up to the table as she leaves.

"Not bad." Fish says. "Keep looking."

"Are you sure boss?" Butch asks. "She's a good looking girl." Fish snaps her fingers and Butch pulls up a chair next to her and sits in it.

"I'm not looking for a girl... I'm looking for a weapon."

"Got it boss." I narrow my eyes.

"Aubrey..." Fish says. "I can see it on your face. What's on your mind honey?"

"You need a weapon in the form of a girl... one who can sing and one who is willing to do anything you ask." I say as I trace the brim of my mug.

"You have someone in mind?"

"I think I do... but it's gonna take a little hunting. She's hard to find." I take a sip of my coffee. "She's a damn chameleon."

"Butch, go get the car. You and Aubrey have some hunting to do."

"Sounds good." He gets out of his chair.



"How are things with you and Butch?" I smile involuntarily.

"They're good. We've been hanging out here and there. It's nice."

"I'm glad. Stay close to him. He's a good man. Now go. Go find my weapon."


"Took some time but I finally found her." I say to Fish. "Fish Mooney, this is Liza."

"Nice to meet you Liza. Let's see what you have for me." Liza looks at me, unsure.

"Go ahead Liza. Go up onstage." Liza gets on the stage and begins to sing.

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