The Little Things (I'm so sorry)

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I uh... might've lost the paper with the poem hahah then refused to post here for a while so here's a bit of thought for you:::

Sometimes it's the little things that are the most important. Like, the cup of coffee in the morning, without it you probably have no energy. Like when you watch the sunrise on the way to work. Like when you find a dollar bill or a penny on the ground and you think it's a lucky day. Like when your parents encourage you and tell you that they love you every time they see you. Like your siblings that keep annoying you every day. Without the little things we would have nothing and we'd miss them. The bitter taste of coffee. The beautiful colors of the sunrise like a painter splashed the sky. The dull day without anyone to encourage you, love you, or annoy you. These little things that we take for granted, are what interweave and create the bigger things. I know I'd love it if the love of my life said they loved me every day. The sad thing is that we take a lot of it for granted... After they're gone we search for them, wishing they were here. There's a hole in our heart where those small things used to be but you smile at the thought that you'd do it all over again if you could relive those moments. I know I do. It's the little things we treasure. It's the little things that make us...or break us.

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