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Lance: Yo man
Keith: Hello?
Lance: Haha
Keith: ???
Lance: Dude
Keith: Yes?
Lance: Can you keep a secret?
Keith: Yes...?
Lance: K
Lance: I know this person and they're hot.
Lance: Haha, wat do I do man?
Keith: Are you drunk?
Lance: Nah
Keith: I don't believe you.
Keith: Where are you?
Lance: I only had s few beers
Lance: At shirts house
Lance: It is cool in here
Keith: Shirt?
Lance: Haha
Lance: Shiro
Lance: Lol lol lol
Lance: Anyways
Lance: Wat so I do about this person?
Keith: That depends on the person, who is it?
Lance: Oh! Junk just chugged down two period
Lance: Lol lol lol
Lance: I meant beers lol
Lance: I want another drink, hold on keith
Lance: This person is pretty
Keith: you shouldn't be drinking anymore.
Lance: This person is cool
Keith: Who is this person?
Lance: Should I drive out and get tequila?
Keith: NO
Keith: GOD NO
Lance: But Keeiiitthhh
Lance: I want tequila.
Lance: The party doesn't start until the tequila shots.
Lance: Are you gonna get tequila on the way?
Lance: Haha, that's a funny word
Lance: Tequiiiilllllaaaa
Keith: I'M ON MY WAY!
Lance: Hurry man
Lance: I want tequiiillllaaaa

Keith rushes to Shiro's house, hoping Lance will stay there. He knew the route by heart, as he had walked the path many times as a kid. Sadly enough, Shiro and Keith hadn't been as close as back then, though they stayed friendly enough.

Keith: HOLD ON
Lance: Omg
Lance: We are playing spinnnn the bottle
Lance: I need some beer
Lance: Hold on
Lance: Bro
Lance: Is that your car out front?
Lance: Turn down the headlights! It hurts
Lance: It burrrnnnnsdddd
Keith: Open the door.
Lance: Okay
Lance: Wait
Lance: How do I open doors
Keith: Get Shiro to do it.
Lance: I seeeeeee you
Lance:Peek a boooo
Lance: You look nice under that porch light
Lance: Wow
Lance: You're pretttyyyy
Keith: Thanks? I can't see you, but I can imagine you look like a dumpster fire after all the alcohol you've had.
Lance: That's not nice
Lance: Okay, Shiro will get the door

Keith's heart was beating out of his chest. No matter how hard he tried to push the thoughts of the adorable boy beyond the door. It was hard for Keith to think of Lance as anything other than perfect. Sure, he had his days where he wasn't in the best shape, all humans are like that.

Keith was ripped from his daze as he saw Shiro beyond the door. Shiro pulled him inside, quickly shutting the door so no rain could get in. Keith's eyes jetted to the floor, where Lance was unconscious.

"How much did he drink?!?!" Keith felt pent up aggression coming out at Shiro. Who would let Lance get that drunk?

"Keith, I swear it was barely two beers. He didn't tell us he was a lightweight." Shiro informed.

"I find that hard to believe, no one would call me pretty after just two." Keith replied.

A small grumble from the ground signified Lance's disapproval.

"See, he still thinks you're cute." Shiro said, smugly.

Keith felt heat travel to his cheeks as he denied it all, writing it off as a dream Lance was having. No way Lance would like him, even if he were gay, surely no one would want to be with Keith.

"Do you have his address? No way that mess can drive himself." Keith asked, Shiro quickly wrote down the numbers and street name. Keith grabbed it, attempting to pull the lanky boy to his car.

To Keith's dismay, Lance was heavy, and there was no chance He'd be able to pull him alone. Shiro and Hunk helped, wandering to the rain with a human noodle in their arms.

Once Lance was strewn across Keith's front seat, Hunk and Shiro went back inside. Keith strapped him in, taking time to admire his long eyelashes and peaceful expression. Keith noticed the rain clearing up, leaving a beautiful rainbow in the sky. He couldn't help what he did. It was completely instinct. He wasn't thinking, so how did he end up overthinking? Lance wouldn't remember it, how could he? He was blackout drunk.

Keith shouldn't have done that.

He shouldn't have kissed Lance.

(please stop attacking me over that, the point is that keith DOES make mistakes, and i'm in no way justifying non-con, he's supposed to be a dumb teen, hindsight is 20/20 y'all)

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