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  The next day, Keith had woken up with the blue garment in his arms. He was reluctant to return it, even if he knew he had to. Lance would notice if he kept it, he wore it all the time.

Keith's phone buzzed on the coffee table.

Lance: By any chance, did I leave my jacket at your place yesterday?
Keith:I'll check.
Keith: You did. Do you want me to bring it to school today?
Lance:That'd be awesome, thanks.

Keith set his phone down, sighing at his blatant lies. He knew Lance forgot his jacket, he'd been cuddling it since yesterday afternoon.

Keith had returned the jacket, with the day being widely uneventful.

It was about one in the morning when his phone had woken him up.

Lance: Hey
Lance: You up?
Keith: I am now, what is it?
Lance: Oh
Lance: Sorry
Lance: I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me
Lance: In a group
Keith: That would depend on the group.
Lance: Maybe... just me?
Keith: Okay, I'll go.

Keith felt giddy, whether it was as friends or more, Keith cherished every moment with Lance.

Lance: You can go back to sleep now, beefy boy.
Keith: You learned that from Pidge, didn't you?
Lance: Yep, but now pigeon owes me ten bucks.
Keith: For what exactly?
Lance: Getting a date before her.
Keith: A date? That changes the implications of going in a group.
Lance: I'm not the kind of guy who would enjoy some weird orgy.
Keith: Why not? You could do a lot better than me.
Lance:I don't want to do better than you though...
Keith: I'd bet you have girls lining up at your door, you have plenty of options.
Lance: But you're the guy I want to go with
Keith: Why?
Lance: Because I like you! I don't even know why I like someone as oblivious as you! I've been dropping hints for weeks! I liked you since you helped me open my locker! Since you came to get me when I was drunk! I mean, I don't love you, but I think I could, and I love that there's potential to love you!
Keith: I think I could love you too.
Lance: Does that mean you'll go to the dance with me?
Keith: Yes.
Lance: I think I'm gonna barf.
Lance: THE Keith Kogane just said he'll go to the dance with me!
Lance: Wait
Lance: So are you gay?
Lance: Bi?
Keith: Gay.
Lance: Cool
Keith: What are you?
Lance: Bi
Keith: Cool.
Lance: Yeah. Not that you have any competition. No girl or guy could look as good as you under a porch light in the pouring rain.
Keith: You remember that?
Lance: I remember most of that night. The craving for tequila, you with a worried expression as you constantly fiddled with your fingers, you kissing me when you thought I wouldn't remember.
Keith: Nope. Don't remember. Didn't happen.
Lance: Damn, I was hoping for it to happen again.
Keith: Fine, it did. As long as Pidge doesn't know.

Keith had to stop himself from squealing. Lance liking him back was a dream come true.  

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