Author's Note

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Title: Best Of Me

Length: 10 Chapters (approx.)

Word Count: -

Genre: Romance, Melodrama, Mystery, Angst

Characters: Min Yoongi .  Son Seungwan . BTS & Red Velvet { BTSVELVET pairings might appear on some chapters }

Story By: wengaaesthetics

© Copyright | All Rights Reserved WENGAAESTHETICS 2017


Dear readers, this is wengaaesthetics' admin ace writing/speaking.

A first, Hello to everyone who is reading this! I really don't know where to start but to be very honest: We are still nervous on starting this fic and at the same time, excited. My co-admin, Lex, thought of this fanfiction in the middle of September. We haven't actually finalized the whole fic but we are saving all of the things that might appear on this fic. It's a bit rushed since we are all busy on our studies but it's never a bother because this is a WenGa fanfiction, our first BTSVELVET's WenGa fanfiction (yeyy!). This fic however serves as a gift to all of our followers at Twitter & Instagram for reaching our 400/300 followers on both social media accounts. We are hoping that you will all enjoy this fanfction. It might be a bit awkward 'cause it's been years since we wrote one ㅠㅠ. Thank You! -Do wait for more updates here and on our accnts! ♡

Hello readers! this wengaaesthetic's admin lex speaking!

Hi guys! it's me Lex the other admin of wengaaesthetics! (that is originally from twitter and instagram^^) as what ace said above I don't really know where to start either, we are on our first ever fanfic as a gift for having 400 followers on now both accounts we handle! It's our sincere thank you for supporting our moodboards, edits and video fmvs we put our hard work on. We adore our followers so much and hence the story was made! though, it's not only for our followers but also for people who ships BTSVELVET WenGa (Wendy and Suga) it's free for everyone to read! This fic, as ace stated, is a bit rushed cause we have our studies and we are busy at times, but anything for BTSVELVET we love to offer our gratefulness^^ We will continue to bring out good results of this fanfic and we will try to update as much as we can to our own free time. Hope you guys enjoy the fanfiction! we've been a little rusty with writing since it's been years when we last wrote a fic hehehe- but I hope we will once again improve along the way- we are really grateful for coming this far on this account and this is our first step, nervewrecking but exciting- anyways! I've been taking up a lot of space hahahah- <3 do check us on our social media accounts and whatnot for any updates! we'll see you soon^^ admin lex signing out! ♡

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