Chapter Two (1)

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Chapter Two: Caught Up

Yoongi's POV

Everything is chaotic here. Not that chaotic bad, but it's a chaotic scene in a good way.

I can see Namjoon conversing among Hoseok and Jimin. They seem to be a good mood, I wonder why, could've been because of something else. I didn't know I was guarded around my surroundings trying to figure out what is laid out in front of me. Not seconds later before I blurt out the obvious question Seokjin made an entrance on my right, he was holding something I couldn't, of course, figure out. Taehyung swung an arm around me, I felt the weight of my shoulders not that he was really heavy it was something else of a weight I'm feeling in my chest, could've been the soju, could've been because I passed out drunk. I couldn't control my tolerance whenever we plan something ahead of time. The scenario is always me drunk, the rest taking me home.

But I was curious, confused and albeit dizzy I was for sure I am giddy all of a sudden.

Ah, giddiness, this damn giddiness I feel even yesterday, the past few weeks, more than a month. Couldn't get it off my chest even further when Taehyung mouth something to me, all I understand was a gurgle, like he was underwater but I'm the one drowning: suffocating and vulnerable.

The weight that took of off my shoulders relaxed just a for a little bit until I saw Jungkook, weird I can still remember it's him despite me seeing white dots blurred around his features he turns over to me to say something but magically his voice sounded weird, distorted even


I was convinced I'm starting to get crazy or so I thought, couldn't blame myself since last night was a whirlwind through my head. All I remember is I'm at the studio, 4 o'clock making beats probably drinking a bit to gulp the stress away, trying to cope to something about the unknown song, a petite girl, the beep on my phone-

"Yoongi, hey..are you okay?"

I could be okay if only I know what your face is, the person held my hand, it was soft and delicate like I'm touching a soft blanket, it was welcoming and warm. I was probably too deep in my thoughts when I start to blink my drowsiness away. My head is bobbing ever so slightly to get a look of the person's face, her face is small, and a female I noticed. First off her face is blurry but she was holding my hand, gripping my small finger that made my heart jump, triggers something in my head and slightly curled my lips upwards.

I was going insane, I said to myself but everyone just keeps on continuing to chit chat here and there meanwhile the unknown female kept to be by my side, she was stroking my head few times and it works wonders. I feel light headed and it's making me sleepy to the core. She was saying something, something about those songs, and something about those enticing eyes. I felt the world was against me, time itself, I was underwater again –I couldn't breathe— like the life was suck out of me, I could be exaggerating at times but I'm serious to the surroundings. She was still stroking my hair, the strands of hair on my skin stood up. I could only see a fragment of her smile, and it was captivating to the point where I didn't know I was already choking, tilting my head back until all I see are my member's faces rushing towards me. Seokjin is already pale when I was slowly falling down, my eyes was rolling backwards, heart rushing through my throat and somehow I caught a glimpse of her...she was there.

I suck up a full breathe of air as if I was drowned underwater, sitting up straight faster that I never knew I could and slowly stared at my monitor to check the time.

'7 o'clock' the time says, it beams into my eyes as I groan in annoyance, another weird dream and its taking a toll on me. My chest is still filling up the air I needed after that dream, it was different than those other ones and it definitely scares me. I should try listening to Seokjin for once and stop locking myself up in this room, but I couldn't even too. I am scared, I always expect things and constantly fear of messing things up for the sole purpose of my head playing tricks on always does.

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