{3} Guess who...?

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Recommended Songs:

Don’t Stop-5 Seconds of Summer

Mine- Glee Cast (Taylor Swift-original)

Taken- One Direction


Pulling up to the school was just terrible. Spoilt teenagers, who think they own the place, surround the perimeter of the building waiting for trouble to outbreak. I could already tell the different social groups. They were all parted like the red sea. Typical.

I walked to the front office as quickly as possible. Rules of your first day at a new school

 #1 Don’t start confrontation

I promise more ‘guidelines’ to school throughout the day but first... Office. It hadn’t even been 5 minutes before I’d gotten dirty looks from the students. Great. As I walked towards the front desk, I noticed a pair of seniors sat outside the heads (principles) office already. I was kinda hoping it was for good reason before I realised I was staring. I didn’t get time to nervously look away before the taller boy noticed. The other just sat there with a guilty look upon his face with a black eye and busted lip. I couldn’t help but assume the goby boy had brought this upon him. Poor lad.

“I said, what the hell are you looking at!?” Mr. Big Shot asked raising his voice at me. Shit. #1 Don’t start confrontation

“oh. Umm. N-nothing” Perfect, stupid stutter because of stupid nerves and stupid new school.

Mr. Big Shot just sulked back into his chair. If eyes could kill, I would’ve been killed, reincarnated, and then killed again.

“Next please.” Ordered the assistant.

“oh umm. I’m Tayla, Tayla-Mae. It’s my first day...”

“ah, yes, Tayla-Mae Johnson. Take a sit. Mrs. Adams will call you”

“thank you” I reply as sweetly as possible.

Only 2 seats were available. In the middle of Mr. Big Shot and the punch bag or just next to the punch bag. Hmmm which one should I pick? I think I’ll stick with just the punch bag.

It wasn’t even 2 minutes before Mrs. Adams dismissed a pupil from her office. She looked petrified to even look at Mr. Big Shot. Like he was gonna kill her or something. My guess was that he was 5’8 foot and a rebel. The black skinny jeans, almost empty designer bag, skimpy tank top, large black boots, leather jacket and carrying a biker helmet sorta gives off sums up my assumption. His thick, curly head of hair looks a bit like bed hair. Uncared for and untamed. I can’t tell the eye colour due to his black tinted ray bans.

“Ah! Tayla. How lovely to finally meet you. Please follow me and we can get you started on your time table and classes.” Mrs. Adams calls me from her door. I can’t say I’m okay with walking Mr. Big Shot because, to be honest, he intimidates the HELL outta me.

After offering a sweet smile. I walk towards her door as quickly as possible keeping my head down so no eye contact is caught. I could hear Mrs. Adams sigh behind me as I enter the office.

“you two go. Come back at break when I can stand to see you. Go.” She orders Mr. BS and punch bag. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a daily scenario for the school.

The office wasn’t large but wasn’t small either. There were 2 potted plants in the room. One on the desk. One in the corner. The office had a strong scent of vanilla and old paper: like in old libraries. Her whole back wall was covered in files, certificates and photos of pupils doing activities. The desk was in the centre of the room along with 2 fabric chairs and one leather. It was littered with paper work and stationery. It reminded me of my old desk back home. Covered in my art materials or homework.

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