Target 6 - Allies Appear

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Third POV:

It was already fifteen minutes past the end of the first lesson- PE -before everyone finished their laps. "That was pathetic, kora!" Colonnello snapped, listening to Lal chuckle sadistically while looking at the students. "Get to your next class, gaki," the woman shooed them, making the students plus Nezu realise just what time it was.

The class they had now was History with Fon. When they did walk into the class, they were slightly on edge at the uncanny similarity that the arcobaleno had with the demon prefect. The man wearing the traditional kimono smiled warmly at the group of students.

"Hello. My name is Fon and I'm your History and Geography teacher. Now, please open your textbooks to page 53," he informed them. They liked Fon- he seemed friendly and kind. Of course, they didn't notice the name of the textbooks they were reading.

Vongola and Mafia History 1.

The class they had after that was etiquette. The room they were inside for that class appeared to be a ballroom. Scratch that, it was a ballroom. The room was very big- enough to fit around a thousand people at least.

Aria was smiling softly at the class, although her thoughts were not as sweet as her smile. "I'm Aria Giglionero and I'll be your Italian and etiquette teacher. This is only an etiquette lesson this time. Let's begin, shall we?" She asked sweetly.

The students liked her as well. That lesson, they started learning which spoons, knives and forks to use for what types of food. They had a fifteen minute break where they wandered around the gardens.

The class they had next was, unfortunately for them, science. Verde didn't let them off easily, making them read twenty pages in five minutes and had already given them 'homework' to do in their spare time. The 'homework' was a two page essay on quantum mechanics.

Yeah, he didn't let any of them off.

After that they had home economics with Bianchi in which almost all of them fainted and were sick from her poison cooking except for Tsuna and company. Before they could move on to two more viscious classes, it was time for lunch.

"Thank god," Rina huffed. The drained students walked to the dining room, happy to see the large spread on the table. Little did they know that this lunch was no where near as delicious as it was yesterday or this morning.

The food was Bianchi's poison cooking with the help of Mammon and Mukuro's illusions to make it look delicious. Needless to say, the students were traumatised. The class they had after that was Italian which they had with Aria.

They were quite excited, but then realised that Tsunayoshi was no where to be found. "Where is that dame?!" Osamu asked, looking around to try and find the brunette's mop of gravity defying hair. "Probably too scared to show his face," Mochida laughed, making the other class members laugh as well.

In reality, Tsuna was in the music room signing paperwork while a familiar red head sat on the glossy, black grand piano. The red head was called Kozarto Enma, the decimo of the Shimon famiglia and one of Tsuna's close allies and friends.

The brunette decimo was singing softly, the Shimon boss swinging his feet lightly and smiled contently as he listened to the song being sung. It was no secret that the Vongola decimo had many hidden natural talents, like the knack of learning how to play musical instruments.

Another example would be when he sang. It seemed that the brunette had many talents which were associated with the arts e.g. music, singing, drawing and painting. The red head sighed as he looked at the paperwork his friend had. "Why do you do it wherever you go?" Enma asked in a confused tone.

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