Target 9 - Let's Do It: Vongola Style Pt. 1

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It was a beautiful, fresh Saturday morning. Breakfast was scheduled at ten o'clock in the morning instead of the usual time, as the Decimo and his guardians liked to sleep in a little later on the weekends.

It's also not like Reborn was going to get up any sooner on the weekend while sleeping in his and his lover's room anyway so no one even bothered to try and wake the hitman up; as soon as the head butler even got near the Decimo, he was met by the click of a gun and a glare from Reborn which sent shivers down the butler's spine.

The hitman went back to sleep after the incident of course, but they now knew not to mess with them anymore. That morning, the brunette Decimo woke up before his lover and was met by a bare chest. Noticing the immediate smell of espresso which stuck to Reborn's body at all times, he snuggled into the bare chest and smiled.

"Good morning," he whispered, knowing that Reborn had woken up during the short time he himself was awake. The man grunted in reply, snuggling into Tsuna's brown locks. "We have to get up. It's Saturday- Hayato and Luca-san told me you had a couple of games you had planned."

The man groaned in protest. "The others will take care of it," Reborn grumbled, getting into a comfortable position while tightening his hold around the brunette's waist. Tsuna chuckled slightly before hiding his face into the other man's chest.

He sighed contently. "You know, it's not like you to purposefully be late," the brunette commented. The ex-sun arcobaleno grunted. "Yeah well, a lot has changed since we started dating," Reborn retorted.

The brunette pondered the statement. "True," the Decimo agreed, tightening his leg which was slung over Reborn's hip. This, believe it or not, was a consistent position that they woke up in. With that, the brunette fell back into a deep slumber unaware that this is just what his lover was waiting for.


Reborn was conniving and sly. That much was obvious. Admittedly, he did want to stay in bed with Tsuna and fall asleep again like his lover did however, this was the perfect opportunity for their plan to reach its peak- Tsuna was sleeping, meaning that his HI wasn't going to ring unless there was a serious threat coming to the Vongola famiglia.

This also meant that they didn't have to tone down on the torture they would perform on the students. After he got dressed, Reborn kissed the brunette's forehead which made the Decimo smile in his sleep.

The older man left the room silently, walking downstairs to meet the others while adjusting his cuff links with his fedora over shadowing his eyes yet still keeping them prominent under the shadow. The students wouldn't even know what hit them.

The students were seperated into seven groups; storm, lightning, rain, mist, cloud, sun and sky. Each guardian was in their element group along with some other students whom were distributed evenly across the seven groups. However, because Tsuna was getting some much deserved rest the sky group was one member down.

Not like they particularly minded. The group consisted of Mochida, Rina and B1. All the other teams had four team members which counted the guardians, which meant that class 2-A had twenty two students in total as Mochida, Ryohei and Hibari were seniors, Lambo was a guest/guardian and was technically in elementary school and Haru didn't even attend Nami Middle or Nami High.

With the students playing as the pawns, the guardians and the rest of the Vongola playing as the defending towers, brave knights and strategic bishops and the King- Reborn -, what do you think their next move will be?

In a normal game of chess you might have to defend the King, but in this twisted game the one they all protect is the Queen; Tsunayoshi. They have to choose carefully, one wrong pawn put into place on the battlefield can make the hierarchy crumble. Of course, we wouldn't want that.

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