Target 5 - Enter, Arcobaleno!

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The room was tense, the chefs didn't dare move a muscle although their anger was felt from the vast kitchen. "Silence! How dare you talk about my grandson in that manner?!" Timoteo shouted. His guardians' eyes, as well as Reborn's, widened in shock.

That was soon replaced by sadistic smirks. Vongola Nono never shouted at anything or anyone. Not once. He finally snapped, which meant that he was going to be much more compliant with their 'tutorting' plans.

The students immediately silenced themselves. "Tsunayoshi is my grandson and Vongola Decimo. If you do not accept that, then you can kindly leave and go back to Japan- we do not need any brats in Vongola International," Timoteo snapped.

The students shivered and shrinked away. The brunette, Tsuna, walked towards the older Vongola boss and put his hand on the man's bicep. "Oji-san, its okay," he told him. His tone of voice was different from how it was usually at school; it was smooth and rich like caramel, but also calming and soothing immediately putting everyone at ease.

He turned to his class mates and smiled softly, making the students involuntarily blush. "Let's sit down and wait for the food to be set onto the table, shall we? If I'm not mistaken we do have guests coming later in the day and later in the week as well," Tsuna told them.

They nodded, gulping and sitting down after the guardians and older boss did. Tsuna, however, disappeared into the kitchen. Only now did the class notice the various different types of spoons, forks and knives settled on their own respective napkins for each type of cutlery.

The placemats were very beautiful- they looked like a watercolour paintings, with each placemat having a different design and a different emotion represented through the picture. "Each and every placemat in this mansion was painted by Tsunayoshi," Coyote informed them.

It was as if he knew what they were thinking. "They were painted on card stock when he was bored in the arts room- we just put the paintings into these hard, clear plastic coverings and melted the edges, sanded them and made it smooth throughout," Nono explained.

The males looked away while the females looked at their laps or twiddled with their fingers. They realised that they didn't know much about the brunette at all. Suddenly, the door which separated the kitchen and dining room was slammed open. Behind it was the brunette, with a tray in each hand which had two meals on each tray.

Around his hips was a simple apron, and a white towel lay lazily around his neck. His foot was in the air, indicating that he had kicked the door open. "Decimo-sama, you don't need to serve them the food! We can do that," the chefs insisted.

The brunette pouted and turned his head. "But I want to. You made all this delicious food, I might as well help in some way," the boy replied. The chefs blushed at the pout, glancing nervously at Reborn who was smirking in accomplishment.

He gave them looks saying, 'you can look but you can't touch. He's all mine'. "Fine..." The head chef, Sierra, complied sighing afterwards. The brunette grinned and placed one of the trays next to Reborn before placing a plate of food onto the table gracefully in front of the man.

He kissed his cheek and placed the other plate of food to the person seated next to Reborn. More maids and butlers strolled across the dining room elegantly, placing the starter meal in front of each person. "Decimo-sama, please sit down we'll take it from here," Sierra pleaded.

Tsuna frowned. "But I only set down four plates..." he trailed off, looking over at Hayato and Takeshi who had been given their starter meals already by Tsunayoshi while his other guardians didn't have their starter meals placed in front of them.

When he saw this, the brunette brightened up and turned into a chibi, smiling (:>). "I'll give my guardians their meals then!" He chirped, walking off into the kitchen with a bounce in his step. His guardians smiled at their sky's crazy antics. Well, Hibari's was barely visible.

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