~Christmas Omake Special~

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Like everything else in Vongola manor, Christmas was also very much Vongola Style.

With extreme games, a large, tall tree to decorate and about a week before the big day they make decorations for the tree. Over the years, each Vongola famiglia from Primo to Nono have made their own decorations for the tree but always used at least three decorations from each past generation.

One thing which stayed consistent throughout the years, was the topper of the tree which was a full bow made of layers of rainbow coloured sashes. Each colour represented the flames; boss and guardians. The centre of the bow had a Vongola broche on it.

It was a week before christmas, and the vast ball room has been made into a bigger decoration station. Card stock, styrofoam, paper, wood and other materials were put into large plastic boxes. Some of the 'other materials' included spare tinsel.

Tsuna sighed, looking at his guardians immediately set themselves on the stations with excitement (although Mukuro and Hibari would deny it). The Decimo smiled softly and looked around before sitting himself at a station.

Currently, Reborn was out on business in Russia while the other arcobaleno were scattered across the Eurasian area. Fon was in China meeting relatives; Colonnello and Lal Mirch were training in the Alps; Skull had a big show stunt show in Paris to attend; Verde was back in Germany for research; Mammon was in Japan on a mission with the Varia.

Their allies couldn't be here for Christmas either- the Giglionero famiglia had some last minute preperations for an alliance meeting to do which was after Christmas, the Shimon famiglia went back to their island to celebrate while the Gesso famiglia were in Antarctica.

Not sure why exactly, but it probably had something to do with the fact that Byakuran had thought snow and white ice were marshmallow shavings falling from the sky by the command of the marshmallow gods.

Not to mention the Chiavarone famiglia, who were trying to get Dino as far away from the christmas decorations as possible in fear that he might accidently knock into the tree if he was alone and smash the three hundred and twenty year old angel topper.

Nono and his guardians went out to the Caribbean for a nice holiday without all of the worries of the Vongola Style holiday.

It was only the Decimo and his guardians this Christmas. No arcobaleno, Gesso, Giglionero, Shimon, Nono generation, Varia or Chiavarone this year- it wasn't quite as surprising, as only about one or two of those generalised groups could attend each year.

Tsuna only had one thing he wanted that Christmas; for everyone of those groups to be here for the holiday and to enjoy one another's company. It seemed like quite a selfish little wish to the brunette, but it was certainly true.

They did all have places to be, people to see and missions or training to catch up on. The Decimo understood that, but was still deflated when they had to leave and miss the holiday which was meant to be spent with your family, blood related or not.

Not everyone can spend time with all of their loves ones for Christmas.

Each of the stations had their own plastic box with materials, including a hot glue gun and kids glue for Lambo. Without further ado, the Decimo began to sketch a design for his decoration.


It was now Christmas eve, with no sign of anyone else coming to celebrate Christmas day but the Tenth generation boss and his guardians. They had decorated the tree a couple of days prior, including their new decorations into the mix.

As tradition states, Tsuna had put the topper onto the tree because he was the current reigning boss. The decoration Tsuna had made was quite simple- all of his guardians and his own deathperation flames clumped together with a message written in the centre: "La mia famiglia è ciò che mi definisce" which translates back to 'my family is what defines me'.

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