Bergen Academies

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So... I was just at an open house for Bergen Academies.

And I don't think I'll get in xD.

They honestly make you feel like you've done nothing with your life HA.

Like, it's a good school, but the rumors are true.

You have to be a robot to get accepted.

And also, there was this paper with frequently asked questions... and one questions was:

Why do you only focus on grades and test scores? What about things like character, creativity, and passion?

Answer: HA we don't care about that stuff bItCh. We only care about numbers that don't actually prove how intelligent you are. Passion? PSSHHH TRASH. Creativity? WHATS THAT? Character? WE DONT GIVE A SHIT! Now. Where are those PARCC scores hmm?

Ok that's kinda exaggerated... but that's what they meant to say. :D

Like, isn't creativity, passion and character what people look for in a worker nowadays?

Also, throughout the tour, they'd always say "Be pAsSiOnaTe about it!" "Be cReAtIvE" "Have cHaRaCtEr"

like bitch please.

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