I wake up with ease. You know how sometimes you wake up with nothing on your mind,only a feeling of bliss and safeness that you wish could last forever. I take a second or two to realize where I am,and am greeted by sleepy Robert on the armchair next to me. It's funny to think that it has only been few days since I arrived,but nonetheless this already feels like home to me,which is unusual since I don't even like sleepovers at other people's houses. It must have something to do with having Robert around again,and the way that Skye and Rob both act like I always lived with them.
He decided he wants to take me out for breakfast this morning,so we hit up the local diner-Steve's-for what I find out to be an amazing breakfast. The waitresses wear the uniforms,and the whole place simply has that diner vibe to it-and I am loving it!I have always seen these in movies,and always wondered if there were any like that anymore. We take this time to catch up,and send a few pics to our family. Me and Robert never had a relationship,not really the case of hating each-other,or anything like it,but he,as most older brothers didn't want to talk with his younger sister,so I can't help but notice how much changed since he moved here. We still don't talk about ''deep stuff' but at least we can have a normal conversation. We debate over the places I should apply for work,and we head out so I can pick up some necessities .We meet at the cash register and I notice a huge smile on his face while I am approaching.He's waving around a coloring book for adults and says :''Skye likes these..I dunno..what do you think?'' What I think is it's amazing,and my God,i will repeat it as much as I can,this dude sure did change a lot.
Skye works nearby,so he gives me directions and catches the next bus. I take a short five minute walk whilst looking all around at how cool and different everything looks,realizing I feel like I always belonged in a bigger city.God,I really like it here so far. Can't wait till I get a job and pay back Robert and Skye because I don't like owing anyone,they aren't pushing me or anything like that tho.There is also the fact that when i get a job I'll be able to meet people and get experience working in Canada! I have worked back in my country,but I worked in a kiosk alone,so I didn't get to experience the whole co-worker thing.
Is that her Starbucks?Ohhh my God,oh no, I have no idea what I look like! Jesus I need to find some kind of reflective surface so I can get my shit together. I find a glass door and pull my jeans up,straighten my shirt,my lipstick is okay,thank the Universe. That would be cringy,if i were to re-apply my lipstick right here on the street that is. Oh yeah,sure Hope,THAT would be cringy,like what you were doing a sec ago wasn't,and now you are talking to yourself in third person,great! I mentally slap myself cause no one,except me, that is, cares about what I am doing. I take a deep breath,and try my hardest to exhale all of my anxiety out as I walk in. It's not as busy as I expected it to be,I guess now is like the opposite of rush hour. There are three types of seating places;the first and most noticeable are the smaller tables with two or three chairs,the second is a huge table with big chairs pulled up - clearly for people who came to work;I can see a few people with headphones and laptops in front of them,really concentrating on what they are doing.Then,there is a place that I will soon find out will be my spot this summer. The bar.On the opposite side of it stands a guy with amazing hair,if iy had a little curl in front I swear it would look as Superman's. He smiles and greets me in a way he's probably greeted hundreds of people before,asking if he can get something for me. I smile back and ask if Skye is here,painfully aware of my accent while doing so,but I played it cool. He asks if I and Rob are related and I am shook,Skye hasn't told him about me coming,we just apparently really look alike. She comes out of the back and says that it's time to show off his boyfriend's little sister.She introduces me to everyone, including this one girl who looks really cool. Her name is Rebecca and she is like no one i'd ever met before. She dresses like a bad-ass,she seems care-less and has this cool vibe around her but isn't a asshole. Oh and she's pretty,..did I mention?
Apparently Skye and Rebecca have half an hour left till they finish,so I take this time to reply to all of the messages I got today. It really is amazing how many people all of a sudden care about you when you travel. I am talking people I haven't spoken to in years,or you know,ever.
They clock out,and take a few garbage bags with them,I offer to help but apparently it's against the rules so I wait outside for them. They take a seat on the concrete step next to their Starbucks,and each light a cigarette,now wanting to know all about me. The first thing I think of is one of the huge differences I noticed,and that's how accepting Canada is of everyone.
-''My country is small'',I begin explaining'' all the people are dressed the same way,walk,talk,act the same. I am considered a weirdo in the city I grew up in,I am considered a weirdo among my peers,or just 'unique' as some friends would like to say.Firstly,I am an atheist, witch is a huge no-no. The culture there is strongly connected with religion,and being an atheist is frowned upon,and thought of as it was my parents fault for not teaching me well. Secondly,they hate gay people.Most can't even tolerate them...When the teacher asked us what we think of them,everyone said 'they should die','they are disgusting', 'abominations of nature',' freaks',etc...only one girl and myself stood up,we were furious. How can they be so close minded?! I was furious at my class mates,and every time I pointed out their bullshit I guess I seemed crazier and crazier to them..but,I stopped when they started saying that I must be gay to stand up for them like I do. I told them that if I was gay I surely wouldn't go around defending them. I didn't want this rumor to go around,not because I thought there was anything wrong with being,but because I didn't want to be talked about.'' I take a small pause,to get courage,and mutter out:''I don't even know if I am..you know..what I am''
Rebecca chuckles and says :''I knew you weren't straight.''
-''Wait..what,how?'' how the fuck did she,..was it because I was looking at-
-''I just'' she says as she takes one more hit and exhales the rest slowly,looks at me casually and says ''I just knew''.
-''She has amazing radar'' Skye explains,and asks if Rob gave me any money for the TTC,which he hasn't,and Sky doesn't have money on her.
-''My friend is coming to pick me up,she can drop you guys off!'' Rebecca offers.
-''Oh no,we couldn't,it's too much we'll find a way,I mean-''
-''No way Skye,come on,it's no big deal,we'll drop you off it's kinda on our way anyway.''
-''Kinda?? Rebecca can you call and ask plssssssss!''
A short phone call later we had a way of transportation and I felt relieved,and kinda bad. I really can't wait to have my own money and TTC pass so these situations never happen again.Luckily her friend is only a few minutes away and it won't be long till we get home.In the mean time we chat away,and that is when I find out that both of them are bi.
The three of us turn our heads to the sound and Rebecca jumps at the site of an indigo colored car that she clearly recognized.I know nothing about cars,but I can surely say this car is the shit. Just as I finish that thought the driver opens the passenger seat from the inside and Rebecca happily slides in. Skye and I following her lead towards the car,and the closer we got to it the more I could hear the soft rock music coming from it.By the looks of it,the driver must be the shit too.

The Best Is Yet To Come
RandomA weirdo in the small town she grew up in,but just another girl in the big city that is Toronto. Will she endure?