4. Work

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I can cross over that job interview from my to-do list;I have triumphantly went out by myself today,and got there on time too..which wouldn't have been the case if I didn't leave a 40 minute gap between my last subway station and the time of the interview;I got lost several times,and barely found my way in the last second.I am back to where my apartment is,I didn't go exploring because I really don't want to get lost again.I'm currently sitting in a Starbucks near my apartment,with only a notebook and the coffee that just burned my tongue keeping me company.This marks my first time coming to a cafe by myself.I find myself thinking about that job interview again,my very first one-and I think I aced it!Not that it's hard to get a job at Tim Horton's,but still!

-Two days later-

I'm walking in and it looks..welp it looks like a normal coffee shop. But those people whose eye contact I am avoiding will be my coworkers,they all are young and busy..do they even know they have someone new coming in?I notice a tall guy wearing a uniform,and I approach him.

-Hope(me):''Hey um..I'm supposed to start today.''

-Tall dude:''Oh..alright,did you fill out the forms?''

-'H:'Yeah I did,I was here two days ago,and Chris told me I that I'm starting today.''

-''Wait a sec'' the tall guy said as he went inside and called out for Chris saying that the new girl is here.

Chris greeted me,but wasted no time,he gave me my password and showed me how to clock in,and soon enough I was sat in front of a computer in a small staff room. In the beginning I felt a little bad,seeing all those people rush in to have their 15 minute break,and than sprint back while I was sat on my butt watching training videos.I thought that until the first couple of hours passed and I officially felt brain dead. Just how much of these can there be,holy fucking universe. In the meantime I was blessed with a uniform that is both too short and too tight for me,but the supervisor said ''No,no it good ''. So I guess 'it good' then. This one guy walks in,sees me and says ''Jesus they already got you in one of  those'',and I already know that I am going to have at least one friend here,as when we introduce ourselves he asks how I like it here so far and when I answer he says:''Give it a week or two''-

-''Give what a week or two?'',says the tall boy who I spoke to first today as he walks in taking his cap off.

-Rick:''She said she likes it here so far Tony.''

-Tony:''I give you three weeks max till you change your mind.'' 

-H:''Wow guys, the optimism in this room is sky high,you really know how to hype a girl out.''

-Rick:''Two weeks,give it two weeks and then we can pick up this conversation again.''

Nine hours of the torture that are training videos and I'm finally free to go. I walk out and feel my head pulsing because of all the information it just took in,all the information that I've probably already forgotten. Tomorrow is a new day,and I can't help but look forward to it,even if it means work,aaand work means new people,aaaaaand people mean my new found anxiety. By the time I get home I'm beat,and am greeted by Skye's nieces who really didn't appreciate me talking over their cartoon.Their mom comes for them while I'm getting ready for a shower.I take a really nice and long one,which is why Rob starts rushing me and yelling out that it's time for burritos.

-H:''I can honestly say burritos are on my top five favorite foods ever.''

-R:''What is number one then?'' 

-H:''Easy.Cheesy bread.'' cheesy bread all the way man.

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