Hope:''Nope,not really...''
Kody:''Great! then follow me!''
He led me through a series of buildings,got himself a pizza;i couldn't eat since my nerves got the best of me.A minute walk away from the pizza place I was met by a shady looking building and looked at him with concern.
Hope:''You must be kidding me,this can not be where we are going!''
Kody:''Of course it is,don't say anything till you see the view " he said as he opened the door and gestured to get into the elevator.I got in and he pushed the button that led to the roof.
Hope:''Wait,wait,wait..this is legal right?We're not trespassing and can't get into trouble?!''
Kody:''Nah,we're good..I mean I've never been caught and like I doubt they will do anything.''
Hope:'' Okay alright..'' I say as I come out of the elevator with unease. I look in awe as he's approaching this random cage that covered a huge electrical thing witch I guess are the power switches of that building.I catch up to him and it's just the two of us having a staring contest with the cage that is at least double the size of our heights and wide enough to be a king sized bed.
Kody:''You can climb right?''
Hope:''Ah ...fuck it'' I say as I take his stuff from him and let him go first to show me the ropes since I'm not exactly an expert on climbing cages.When he reaches the top I toss him his things as well as mine,and cuss before gathering the courage to climb up myself and sit next to him. I let my legs dangle as I realize how high we actually are,and how much of the city we can see from here.
Hope:''We're definitely not supposed to be here..but if someone comes lets pretend to be foreigners and I'll even do a heavy accent and we won't get into any trouble right?''
Kody:''Don't worry so much..I've been here a lot and I've even seen other people come,mostly to take pictures tho...noone ever came after us or anything like that.''
Hope:''Oh so do you come here with your friends a lot to hang out I'm guessing?''
Kody:''Oh..um not really..I,well sometimes..you see I like to come here to be alone..listen to music and just think,or clear my mind..''
Shit dude.He brought me to his quiet place. I am just realizing how close we are sitting. We continued talking but my inner monologue is louder. IS THIS A DATE? How can I be so stupid..I mean it's not like I'm not attracted to him but um..wait no it isn't a freaking date. It CAN'T be. I have to snap out of it. Now we're listening to music on his phone and enjoying the view.I am very comfortable in his company.I feel like we could be good friends at least since my indecisive brain can't let me know if I like him or not. We start chatting again,this time he asked me about if I liked working at the job.I said that the co-workers are really nice and that I am happy that they are so open to being friends-mentioning that Tony and I hung out once.
Kody:''So what's the deal with you guys anyways?''
Hope:''What do you mean?''
Kody:''You know what i mean.Dude are you guys a thing''?
Hope:''What?No!Where did you get this from?We are just friends!''
Kody:''I hate to break it to you but it's kinda obvious that at least he likes you as more than a friend .''
Hope:''Shhhhhit. I mean I think of him as just a friend.Maybe you got it all wrong?''
Kody:''Oh it's pretty obvious dude,trust me.''
-About an hour later-
Kody:''Is it me or is it getting a bit uncomfortable,like my butt is starting to hurt?''
Hope:'' Nah it's not you,my butt is okay tho,cause I got a little to much junk in the trunk I guess hahah,but its my legs are getting really numb tho.''
Kody:''Gurl what are you on about? There is nothing wrong with you,if anything,like your butt-''
Hope:''Alright!'' I cut him off by climbing down in a few swift movements ''Let's get going!''

The Best Is Yet To Come
RandomA weirdo in the small town she grew up in,but just another girl in the big city that is Toronto. Will she endure?