A proposal to a proposal

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Once I leave the castle, I go to a pub and meet Santa, Bunny, and the Sandman there (that's not where I'd pick though. Santa chose it). We sit at a table and and a barista takes our drink orders. Santa orders a pint, and the rest of us just either get a water, or a soda or something like that.

"So," Bunny starts. "Why did you need to see us on short notice?"

"Don't get in business mode right away," Santa says. "Let's catch up! How's you and Toothy going?"

"Well, we kinda broke up about a month ago," I say. Everyone gives me a sympathetic look except Bunny. He knows. "And I got a new girlfriend," elated faces. "I've had her for a little more than two months," some awws... and a happy face from Sandman. Bunny pouts in the corner of the booth. "And I..."

I chuckle and smile at the table as the baristas hands us our drinks. She gives me a look and walks away. Santa starts to inhale his beer. I'm serious. It was that fast.

"And I kinda wanted to propose to her," I finish. Santa does a major spit-take as shocked faces surround me. Including the kangaroo we all call a bunny.

"What?!" They all shout.

"Oi!" A short, old, drunk, bearded man wearing a diaper, carrying a bow-and-arrow shouted. "Shut the h*ll up! We tryin' to have a nice drink or two around here!" Choruses of men support him.

We exit to an outside table.

"You want to what, mate?" Bunny asks in utter shock.

"I told you. I want to ask Elsa to marry me."

Sandman gives me a series of signs that says "She doesn't enjoy people who propose to her super early on."

"I think it is wonderful! All of it. Young love, happiness to share with the rest of the world! It's just so super amazing!!!!" Santa says. I think he may have finished that pint-o-beer.

"Well, Sandman, at least it's not the first day I met her though. I need some ideas for it."

"She likes the cold. You should go to the Northern Mountain and propose there," suggests Santa.

"Girls like big speeches about how much you love them," Bunny says.

"Wow. I was not expecting advice from you," I say. "Good ideas, guys. Now, where should I get the ring?"

"Go somewhere exotic to get it," Sandman motions. Everyone agrees on the idea.

"Thanks, guys. I really needed your ideas." I say.

We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

Jack: Come on, Elsa. We need to wake her up!

Elsa: no! I refuse. I like where I am.

Jack: goodness gracious. She is stubborn. Anyways. I dedicate this chapter to all the people who have been unknown to reading this and have not commented, voted, and just remained in the dark. She appreciates your views of this book! *walks off to wake up Stella.*

Elsa: Still no questions? Please ask them! The author is getting very bored in her sleep. She needs to answer questions! For all you people reading this! Please ask questions for characters of Frozen or Rise of the Guardians!

*author makes goat noise and wakes up and yawns.*

Ok. Uhh... I wanna get queeeeeeeee... *starts snoring* *jack smacks her face*

Huh? Oh yeah. I wanna get questions from readers to characters of this book. I also need iiiiiiiinnnnn... *jack blows air horn*

AAAAAAAUUUUUUGHHHHH! You don't need to do that!

Jack: well, it's not my fault you keep drifting off

Hey! I'm the author and I can do whatever I want to you! So you better back off! * Jack walks out of room with Elsa.

Anyways. I need input on proposal stuff for Jelsa. It would be great if yous gave your input on that. Remember! Ask questions! Ask away! Btw, I think Santa was FANGIRLING about Jelsa! Isn't that great????
See y'all L8R!!!!✌️

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