Chapter 1: Fall Of The Vampires

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The times were becoming dark. Many people were being killed, found lying in streets drained of blood. Every night was becoming worse, each morning waking up to more victims with last looks of terrors still etched upon their faces. The villagers had no idea what to do, they had no idea what was killing so many of them, so they just hid and boarded up any kind of entrance they could find in their small homes. But then there were the drunken fools, who wandered down to the local pub but never coming home.

A force was building up in secret. More of the intelligent minded were plotting to stop these night creatures. They called the creatures "Vampires". They had wrote long documents about them, trying to gain an understanding to their weak and strong points. Which was hard because they just couldn't be found anywhere. But they did realise they were only attacking at night, meaning sunlight could be a weak point. So they decided to look for them in the day time, knowing they probably weren't around. Although that couldn't be for certain.

The village they lived in was fairly big. It used to be full of people, but now? No one. The vampire hunters were walking down the street, looking alert and around them. They had decided to head to the deepest, darkest area of the town. There was few living things there, no plants or anything! But there was a huge forest of dead burnt trees that seemed to be never ending. So there they crept. They were carrying bundles of ropes and ill-crafted small knifes, but nothing else. They came to the start of the forest, rethinking over their plan. But they trudged on anyway delving deeper into the unknown.

They had got quite far when they saw a big mound of dirt, in a forest of flat lands. So they tip-toed over and used their leather boots to push away the dirt. Everyone gasped when they saw what they unearthed. It was like something you'd see in your nightmares but much, much worse. It was a deathly white body, but drenched in blood and had fangs which reached below their bottom lip. It had sharp pointed ears and spiky black hair, with dirt in as well. But they had been too loud, the things eyes snapped open, revealing startling red eyes, it was up in milliseconds but got caught on a rope thrown blindly by a hunter. They tried to get free but the hunters were surrounding it and stuck a knife in their shoulder, and tied it with more ropes. Then they just walked away with it between them, which they had covered with their coats. They were going to get answers from it no matter what it took.

Darkness was creeping in again. There was a small room full of hunters, and a chill that was quickly settling in. They were all looking at a person who was tied up on the wall, with their head bowed.
"Why are you killing the villagers?"
No reply.
"Why can't you come out in the day"
No reply.
"How many of you are there?"
Still no reply.
They were fed up of getting no answers, so they answered them for themselves. They tested things on the creature, finding out its weaknesses. Silver, garlic, sunlight. But the vampire wouldn't answer, no matter what amount of pain it was in. They waited, crafting weapons in the meantime, preparing themselves to kill the vampires.

It had been months now, attack's we're still being carried out, but defiantly not as many as there once were. The hunters knew much more now, and had managed to kill quite a few of the vampires before they attacked. The hunters were getting stronger and the vampires weaker. They still had no replies from the vampire but it was decaying. It's bones were beginning to show through its thin skin that was starting to peel away. He hadn't drank for ages, and they weren't going to let it either.

The hunters had been growing in numbers, most of the men had decided to join the cause and were being trained in killing the vampires. Many vampires had been killed, and strangely enough when one was killed it just turned to dust and got carried away by the wind. The vampires were falling and quickly. People had been alerted all around the world and they weren't just falling here, but now everywhere. The hunters were winning.

There were so few attack's now, only the desperate tried and failed. The vampires were being forced into hiding. The hunters had won. But they still has the vampire they held captive. It was very close to death, bones now protruding from its skin, what skin was left. They never got a word out from him. Except they heard it speak once. And only once. When it's last minute was counting down it managed to shout so everyone could hear it.
"The vampires may have fallen! But they will rise up again and every last one you will be slaughtered! I vow that my line will live on and kill. You. All."
Then it turned to dust and pieces got carried out of the door and into the forest.

A fine piece of dust landed on the castle doorstep. The castle was created with black bricks and towered over the trees. It was invisible to anyone that didn't know it existed. If a person was told it would become visible. Mist surrounded the whole castle, and the rooms were dusty and empty. But sobbing could be heard from a top most tower. A woman was crying next to the crib of a small new born. The woman had sleek long black hair and was wearing a white night gown. Her skin was the same deathly pale. A very tall man entered the room wearing a shiny black suit, and has giant pure white fangs and brilliant red eyes. He looked at the woman with sorrow in his eyes. He knelt down and gave the woman a small hug.
"Hush, my daughter the times are rough, but it will get better I promise" his voice was deep with a rumbling tone.
She sobbed into his chest.
"But wh-why did he ha-have to die?" she meant the question seriously.
"At least he made sure the line of Dracula carried on" He said wistfully as he stared into the crib.

The captive had meant what he said, his line would carry on and slaughter every hunter they could.

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