Chapter 2: Times Have Changed

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Kiara woke to the sun piercing her eyes.
"Kiara! You need to get up now! You can't be late for school!" Her mother screamed at her and then left the room.
Kiara heaved herself out of bed and heard the front door open and close. She got changed quickly. She was about to leave when she checked herself in the mirror one last time. She had long flowy black hair that went just below her waist. She was wearing a cropped black top, and black jeans. She noticed her eyes were still bright red, so she put her brown contact lenses in. She opened her bedroom door but before she could get out, someone jumped in and pulled her into a bear hug. Ebony. Ebony was her crazy best friend, but crazy in a good way. She had long red hair, dazzling green eyes, a green Pom Pom in her hair, a bright orange top, a cheetah print skirt and super fluffy bright green boots. They were total opposites but they got along very well.

They walked downstairs together and into the giant kitchen. Kiara's Mum was sat down arguing with her husband about some old recipe. So Kiara went and sat down next to her great grandad who still lived with them and was watching the arguing interestedly.
"Hey grandad!" Kiara chatted as she grabbed a red glowing fruit from the fruit bowl on the table. Her grandad snapped out of the trance and looked at her and gave her a toothy smile. "Hello kid, and by Satan that's a bright outfit" he looked at Ebony who just gave a big smile and said "thank you!". Her great grandad still looked pretty much the same, a few grey hairs but the rest black. Her mum snapped her head round to look at Kiara.
"Kiara! Get to school now, you'll be late!" She shouted, people didn't think she had a normal voice, just shout mode.
So Kiara grabbed her bag from the door and ran to school with Ebony.

Their town had changed dramatically in the last 30,000 years, well most towns would if they'd been around that long. The village had got bigger and the streets were full of people. There was a giant high school in the middle of town where all the high schoolers would go to, as that was the only school around. The dead forest had changed into a healthy forest with bright green leaves and plants and flowers everywhere!

There was no more attack's. The vampires now got by, by eating "plasma fruit" the glowing red fruit grown on the trees just outside the castle, which hadn't changed at all. They had even figured how to walk in daylight. An alchemist vampire had created a formula and sent it to their family, them being one of the most well known in the vampire world. They planted the formula with the plasma fruit trees, so with each one they ate they were protected from the sun. They could now live like humans.

Kiara and Ebony got to and entered school, and anyone who saw them started walking away. No one knew they were vampires but Kiara gave them her most menacing look which often gave the humans nightmares. Kiara only had one friend which was Ebony. She didn't want nor need any more friends. And Ebony was already giving up a lot to be her friend, because people loved to spread rumours about them.

Today a group of girls were formed around a notice board. So Kiara waited away from them, but they didn't move. So she started to listen to what they were saying. There was a lot of squealing and flirting, then a boys voice sounded. They weren't looking at the notice board, obviously they had a new guy. So Kiara stood even further away and started chatting to Ebony.

As they were chatting someone tapped Kiara on the shoulder. She whizzed around in a split second. No one touches her. It turned out to be a guy she'd never seen. He was a little taller than she was, but not by much, he had blonde hair spiked up and was wearing a blue jumper with a "H" on it.
"Do you know where classroom G12 is?" He asked.
"Uh no, and if I did I wouldn't tell you, go ask your girlfriends, or have you got too many you can't keep up?" Kiara replied and turned away from him and continued her conversation with Ebony.
"It's straight down the corridor turn right then walk on and left" Ebony pointed him in the direction. He thanked her and left.
"Why'd you do that?" Kiara grumbled.
"It's not like he was gonna get directions from anyone else." Ebony shrugged.
"Hasn't he heard of a map?" Kiara sounded disappointed but carried on chatting away until the bell rung.

Her and Ebony split ways, Kiara having English and Ebony having maths. Kiara didn't bother hurrying, the less time she had to stay in a class with Becky the better. Becky was the "popular" one of the School, thinking she runs it. Every school has a Becky. Kiara got to the classroom, where her teacher was in the doorway handing out sheets to her classmates.
"Kiara! There you are, you're not in my class anymore. You and Becky will be separated. Your new classroom is G12" her teacher then left her in the corridor slamming the door in her face.
"You've got to be kidding me" Kiara growled under her breath, but made her way to the lesson all the same.
She got to the entrance now ten minutes late.
"I've been told I'm now in here?" Kiara muttered.
The teacher nodded and gave her a small smile. "Take a seat next to him please" she pointed to the last available place next to the new guy.
Kiara sighed. She moved to her seat, put her bag under the table and put her legs on the table.
The teacher tried to ignore her, and set them work, then everyone started chatting.
"Can you get your legs down?" The guy next to her said.
Kiara sighed again and took her legs off the table.
"Thanks, my names Damon" he was trying to make conversation.
Kiara just looked at him "Kiara"

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