Chapter 7: Town

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"I'm not coming into school today" Valarie stated as she walked into the kitchen.
The weekend had passed quickly, Kiara was showing Lola around and letting her get used to her new surroundings.
"If this is to spite me, I don't really care" Kiara said looking up from the book she was reading. She had her feet up on the table and was eating a fruit with her free hand.
Lola rushed into the kitchen, her hair had two braids leading round to the back.
"Sorry I'm late, I was trying to fix my hair" Lola said quickly and sat down next to Kiara.
"You're not late don't worry" Kiara looked up and smiled at her.
"Eat up girls!" Kiara's Mum said as she bustled around.
Her family quite liked Lola, and was happy to welcome her into their family. They had the space, and the money for her.

After they had finished eating, Kiara put her book in her bag and stood up.
"We better get going, your first day and all" Kiara suggested to Lola.
Lola gave a nervous nod and picked up her own bag.

They left the house and walked in unison, across the muddy pathway.
"You don't have to be nervous, I'm going to make sure they put you in my classes" Kiara gave her a smile as they walked, but it didn't stop Lola's nervousness.
They reached the school and Lola gave a big breath and they made their way in.
The entrance was busy and crowded. Kiara and Lola had to squeeze through the crowds and finally reached the reception.
But Kiara stopped in her tracks. Already at reception was Becky, Whitney and Ebony.
"I am ill! Why can't I go home!" Becky was shouting hysterically at the receptionist.
"I know you have a test today, your teachers emailed me" the receptionist glared at her.
"Ugh!!!" Becky turned on her heels and saw Kiara.
She crossed her arms and looked between her and Lola.
"Trying to replace your last friend? You are such a loser!" Becky said scathingly.
"Say that again I dare you" Everyone turned to look at who had spoken.
It was Lola.
"It's okay just leave her" Kiara said, glaring at Becky.
Becky and the others left and laughed.
"You don't need to fight my battles" Kiara muttered, but gave her a small smile.
"You can't fight a battle without an army" Lola smiled back and made their way to the reception desk.
They signed Lola in and made sure she was in Kiara's classes.
"Kiara! It's great to see you back!" Some had ran over and tapped her on the shoulder.
She turned to see who it was "Oh uh hi Damon"
"I'm sorry about what happened the other night" He apologised.
"It's fine, it wasn't your fault anyway" She replies, faking a smile.
"And who is this!" He looked at Lola.
"I'm Lola, a friend of Kiara's" She introduced herself.
Damon was about to speak but then the bell rang.
"We better go" Kiara said and her and Lola left.
"What happened the other night?" Lola asked.
"I'll explain in maths"
They reached their classroom and formed a line outside.
Kiara and Ebony always sat next to each other in maths, and Kiara wasn't surprised now to see Ebony talking to the teacher.
"Pathetic. Can't even sit next to you" Lola said looking at Ebony in disgust.
Kiara has caught Lola up on what happened between her and Ebony.
"I'm not really surprised. If I was her I wouldn't want to sit next to someone that had just thrown me across a cafeteria" Kiara said wistfully.
They entered the classroom and took their seats. Lola talked to the teacher and got seated next to Kiara.
"I suck at maths" Lola muttered.
"Eh, we have an eternity to learn it" Kiara mumbled back and they laughed.
The lesson went extremely slowly. But then the bell rang for break.

They got to the cafeteria and sat at a table.
"Do we get food or something? To blend in?" Lola whispered, looking around.
"Occasionally, but break times aren't especially important" Kiara said.
She had her legs up on the table and her book out.
"What are you reading anyway? It must be interesting I never see you without it" Lola said interestedly.
"Vampire lore: book one. There are eight" Kiara said, this time not looking up.
"Isn't that quite suspicious?" Lola asked.
"Even more so if you keep pointing it out" Kiara gave her a playful smile.

The day went by without a fuss, Lola settling in well and no fights occurring. They were leaving when Damon stopped them.
"Hey! There's this group of us going into town tonight, wanna come?" He was clearly excited about it.
"Well uh-" Kiara thought back to Valarie's warning.
"We'll be there" Lola answered for her and then they left.
"Live a little" Lola said and laughed.

They got back to their house and they went to their rooms to get ready. Kiara's phone vibrated. Damon: I forgot to give you the details.
Kiara laughed, and decided to ring him.
"Yeah I kinda need the details" she said.
"Okay, so we're meeting in front of that pub, you know the one in the main town square?" He rambled on, and Kiara made sure he hadn't missed anything out.
"Great, okay! We'll be there soon" she smiled as she hung up.


When they arrived there was already a crowd forming.
"Ugh who invited them?" A voice said.
Kiara recognised it.
"Becky" Kiara growled.
"Just leave it, look there's Damon!" Lola said and pointed to Damon.
"Hey! You actually came!" Damon rushed over.
"Woah" he said under his breath.
Kiara was wearing a black short dress, thinking she'd fit in more with the others there, and Lola had on a cropped top and shorts.
There was some raucous shouting coming from inside the pub.
"Tell me why we decided to meet outside a pub?" Kiara whispered to Damon who laughed.
The group made a move and walked around town, happily chatting.
But then a voice growled from the darkness.
"Give me all your money" it was an old voice coming from the darkness.
The first thing to emerge was a glinting knife, then the body of a hunchbacked man.
"I said give me all your money!"
People were scrambling for their wallets and purses.
"Don't give him anything" A voice spoke slowly in the crowd. The person moved forward and stood in front of everyone.
Kiara stood there giving the man her famous look of death.

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