Chaper 6: Lola

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Kiara's eyes fluttered open.
"Ki!" Valarie was sat beside her.
"I told you not to go! Why don't you ever listen!?" She sounded frustrated.
"That doesn't matter right now. You were right Valarie. He's a vampire hunter. I think I just found the place where grandad died" She talked quickly, trying to remember everything that had happened .
Valarie didn't say anything, but looked shocked.
"Wait. How did I get here?" She asked, sounding confused.
"He used your phone to call me" Valarie replied.
"You didn't even tell me you were going! And what did I tell you!? I told you not to hang around with him! He is trouble!" She started getting angry and pacing around the room.
"If he was a vampire hunter he would've killed me in that room! Yet, here we are because he called you" Kiara started getting angry too.
"DON'T YOU SEE WHATS HAPPENING KIARA!? HE'S JUST BUILDING UP TO THE KILL! YOU NEED TO USE YOUR BRAIN!" Valarie started shouting at Kiara. She looked at Kiara one last time and stormed out the room.
Kiara closed her eyes and put her hands over her face. Her phone was on the bedside table next to her when it started ringing, so she reached over and answered without looking at who was ringing her.
"Hey, Kiara! Are you okay?" It was Damon.
"Oh hi Damon. Yeah I'm fine I guess" she replied and gave a sigh.
"I'm sorry Damon, but I'm really tired, I'll talk to you at school or some other time" she didn't wait for a reply and hung up the phone.
She put down her phone and listened. It was silent in the house. It was likely that everyone had gone to bed. She was about to fall asleep when a scream sounded out for the forest. Kiara was up in an instance and ran out the house in seconds. As she ran she pulled a branch from a tree, making sure it was sharp.
Kiara got to a clearing. It was pitch black. Kiara took out her brown contact lenses and her red eyes glowed in the dark, now she could see. She saw a figure looming over a girl with a stake over her heart. Kiara had a split second to react. She threw the branch she had at the figure. It pierced them in the back and went through their chest. The figure turned to dust and the branch and stake fell to the floor. The girl looked terrified.
"It's okay, I'm Kiara" she tried to move closer to the girl. The girl stood up but turned pale and collapsed.
Kiara ran over and caught her before she hit the ground. She carried her all the way back to the castle. Where she put her in a guest room and called for help.
Kiara's Mum and great grandad entered in seconds.
"She's hurt, I just saved her" Kiara said shortly and watched as her mother moved over to tend to the many wounds the girl had.
Her great grandad looked serious.
"What happened" he said seriously.
"A rogue tried to stake her" a rogue was a vampire that had gone bad bad. There's some vampires that are bad, but the rogues were worse, they would happily kill other vampires. Although Kiara had just killed him she wouldn't be classed as a rogue. She doesn't try to kill vampires every day of her eternal life.
The girl had huge scars all over her body, and fresh wounds on her arms and legs. The girl had fangs and pointed ears, she was obviously a vampire, but then she should have been healing.
"Go find her some clothes for when she wakes up Kiara" her mother told her. Kiara turned around and saw her great grandad had gone.
She looked in her wardrobe to see what she had. About a quarter of it was her clothes, the other three quarters were bright colourful clothes, all of which were ebony's. Ebony had been around her house so much it was like she had lived there. She picked out a set of blue clothes, with big blue fluffy boots. She went back to the guest room and set them out next to the bed.
"I've cleaned the wounds, please watch over her until she wakes up. She can stay here for as long as she wants" her mother gave her a smile and left the room. Kiara sat in the wooden chair by the desk and started reading a book. A few hours later the girl started stirring. She opened her eyes slowly, but looked alert when she awoke fully. Ether eyes darted around the room and then rested on Kiara.
"Don't panic, you're safe now" Kiara gave her a smile. But the girl said nothing and looked just was terrified as before.
"You don't need to talk to me, it's fine. I brought you some clothes" she pointed out the clothes and left the room but stood outside the door. She listened to make sure the girl wasn't trying to escape. The girl got up and started rustling so Kiara assumed she was getting changed. Kiara started walking down the hall when the door opened to the guest room.
"Uhm, can I talk to you?" The girl whispered.
Kiara nodded and walked back towards her.
"I-I'm Lola." The girl still looked scared and stammered as she spoke.
"I'm Kiara" she gave Lola a big smile. The blue clothes suited her and made her look much happier.
"I've never had proper clothes before" Lola said sadly.
"My mum sold me as a baby. I've grown up as a sl-slave" tears formed in her eyes.
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. You can just start a new and move on from the past" Kiara said comfortingly.
Lola smiled back at her and finally looked like this was the place where she belonged. This was her home now.

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