Valentine's Coming...

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      Morning at school, [Feb.10] our English professor asked us to make a “Valentine Card” and I was in a pretty good mood about that because I had my materials, what did have into my attention is that it could be sent to anybody so I did many valentine cards [Actually the first person came into my mind was a Sophomore male student, but I didn’t make it because *iDk*] I made 3 for my best friends Tiara, Rhine and James and 1 big Valentine card for my friends who lives far away from me and 1 for a friend and 3 for weirdoes. Actually, I asked Tiara who’s she going to make one for and she said “John, Mark and Renz” and I was shocked I said “I was too, well I guess we have the same mind” We both laughed. On our Values class, our Professor has given us our clearance project and it was about interviewing senior students. And there’s 3 person came into my mind “Those 3 Guys”.

      After school, Tiara got mad because of our Dance Instructor. Damn she got mad because he didn’t keep his time about our end class it was like 5:30 and we he promised that by 5:00 we’re done! And I was in a pretty bad mood at that time too. By the time he ends the class Tiara just went by, and left us. I tried to catch up on her but I didn’t so I just went to her house but she’s not there so I went outside and I caught her there. We went to the cafe and just tried our luck to see those 3, we waited until it got dark and I lost my patience and I’m out of money too! [Oh! Great!!] Here they come just before I was thinking about going home. They sat at the next table because someone had already shared with us, I didn’t want to order something I just want to get my project done!! I went to their table and said “Hi, Can I ask you guys for something?? I just needed it for my school clearance” John answered me “What is it?” “Can you guys receive my card?? It was my Valentine Card. I need it to give to someone” I take my CARDS out of my bag “Wow! 3 cards, it’s like I LOVE YOU” Said John, “Hmm! Oh yeaah Look at that” I said. They did accepted my Valentine Cards I smiled at them... suddenly, I talk to Tiara and told her that I am going to Interview them but somehow I lost my pen. I asked Renz if I could borrow his pen, he did lend me his pen. I was writing down the questions and John was looking at me and doing the same thing. I said “Kuya, one last favour please! Can you answer these questions for me?? I just need it for my clearance” John answered me “What is it for?” “Well, it’s about asking senior students about their 1st 2nd and 3rd choice of courses to take on college and why’d they chose that, it’s simple as that...please will you? Will you?” I answered him eagerly. They agreed to sign but somehow we had troubles Mark forgot the name of the course he wants [spelling], Renz signature has been fooled by John and John wasn’t taking the interview seriously! He’s not that straight to the point so I even played Run and Hide with John and I was calling him “Kuya! Kuya! Kuya! Please just take this seriously” he stopped and said “Kuya??” he’s face is like [WHAT?!] but he’s just joking he said “Oh okay, Let me have it” he smiled.

       John is still handling and reading my notebook when Tiara decided to seat with us I felt awkward because Tiara tune up the music and one by one they got off their seats, Renz tried to do a head stand but unfortunately a cockroach just passed by. [Hahah!! How rude for the Cockroach] Tiara felt awkward and I did tried to keep John on his chair but someone caught my eye [Oh damn!] It’s our classmates who’s been passing by a couple of times. I stand up and I feel like going home same as the 3, suddenly Tiara approached them “Guys can you please stay for awhile?” John said to Renz “Do we know them?” Tiara repeated for couple of times and I actually it wasn’t that appropriate but I helped her to convince them finally, he said “I think we’re going to be in a trouble” and I was amazed when he said that same as Tiara. Well good thing is our classmates were gone so we just thanked them and just walked away. But we are on the same way so they were at our back, we’re talking about them and we sure do hope they’re talking about us too. Well, I got sad because Damn! My Cards haven’t got checked yet!! Oh man!! And I was sad too because Tiara was not that so happy because she felt awkward and felt left alone.

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