Saying sorry...

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        [Feb. 22] It’s our Exam day again and I am really weird that day because I had an allergy from the rain before that day and it ruined my day. Well, to say sorry about what I’ve done to John and Tiara to Mark we decided to order a personalized cake, we decided to give it to them three and particularly to Mark but it just didn’t went that well, because we can’t see them so I thought we should give the cake to John’s house ourselves but Tiara was so shy so she tried to decline but I know there is no other way to give it other than that, well we tried to ask the owner of the cafe for a help but she said they haven’t went to the cafe so I really am dedicated to give the cake to John, I wrote a letter and some kind words and sorry words in it. And I am ready! But suddenly one thing came to my mind! The owner of the cafe said that the grandma of John was hot-headed [Oh NO!] she might scold me or something...

          And we went to the Wadstrom’s Residence [Uh-Oh] Tiara left me, I tried to talk to their neighbour. “Excuse mam? Can you please help me about something, please please please” I said then an old woman came out “What is it dear?”, “Well, I was trying to give this cake to your neighbour mam but I am scared” I said politely, “Oh we’re just new here” the old woman said with laughing tone, “But mam please help me, I really need to say sorry to someone who lives next to your house” I said with crying voice, “Oh okay, I’ll help you dear, but what did happened and why’d you have to say sorry to them” The nice old woman asked, “well, I did something that hurt his grandson and I really feel that he is angry at me” I said. The nice old woman just laughed and I said that I’ll be hiding.

         I went to Tiara’s spot and I was trying to get a peek on what’s happening and then I decided to come out and show myself to John’s grandma. When I got to them they we’re talking about each other’s life it’s like they just became friends, I said Hi to John’s grandma and explain myself to her and the cake and the balloon [WTF! I thought of the balloon and it wasn’t that nice, but what the heck my charm worked XD] She said that John was sleeping and there was this man who said that he’s gonna wake him up but I insist that it’s not necessary because I am too darned shy, but the grandma of John showed hospitality unfortunately it’s late so I have to go home and she said she was cooking their dinner and I said “I am so sorry for such waste of time, but please tell him that I am so sorry and he knows what I meant, and thank you really I got really scared but thank you for being nice, I guess I’ll be going good evening and bye bye and take care and thank you again” She answered me with some nice words and smiled at me I was stunned. And I also said thank you to the old woman who just helped me and welcomed her to the town [She’s really nice and I want her to be my Grandma]. I WAS REALLY JUMPY and stunned with John’s family... But I really wished it worked out for somehow...

        [March 5] and it was a really memorable date for me because I cried, I can’t stop my my feeling, I was wrecked up because of that baller, Mark texted me about his baller and it got us into a big fight we said really rude words at each other, I don’t have the plan to give up but I think I just did when we actually stroll all around the mall and didn’t found a single place who’s making one PERSONALIZED BALLER. I was crying while Tiara’s using my phone to talk to Mark, she said “He’s not worth it, stop crying” but I just break down and I really want to have them back [Oh yes! I want them backL] and somehow, I am still waiting for that moment... Tiara was really mad at Mark and I was too [just little] because he was like so arrogant but I know we are wrong too because it has a sentimental value for him and WE DID TRIED OUR BEST but we came to the point of nowhere else to go to...

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