Night terrors

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"I don't want to move." Thirteen year old Frankie glared up at his mother.

"I know you don't, Frankie-"Linda started, but he cut her off.

"Then why are we doing it?!"

She was silent for a moment, thinking her reply over.

"I know it's different...But we're trying to do what's best for you. Your father has a job offer in New Jersey,"She paused, glancing up at her husband. "You'll go to a new school and make new friends, and...It'll be better. You've just gotta give it a chance." She gave a soft, sad smile.

"But I don't want to give it a chance! I don't want new friends. What about Mikey? He's my friend. What if Gerard comes back, what if they find something-" Frank was cut off.

"You're as bad as Donna! Gerard's not coming back! Its been seven years! he's dead!" His father yelled.

"Frank!"His mother gasped at him, shocked.

Frankie blinked, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Go to hell!" He screamed, turning and running off to his room.

"Frankie, wait-"His mother broke off.

"See what you did?"She glared at her husband.

"I know, Linda...I know, I just...I wasn't thinking. But it's not healthy. Gerard's never coming back. I just wish he could understand that."

Frank woke up in a cold sweat, Gasping for air as he shot up.

Tears ran down his face.

He hadn't dreamt about Gerard in a long time.

He sniffled, wiping the tears with his sleeve.

His body was drenched in sweat.

The clock read 5:19.

A few hours or so before school.

He shoved off the covers.

There was no way he was sleeping after that emotional episode.

He decided to take a hot shower and after that he messed around in the kitchen for a while, trying to figure out how to use the coffee pot, but to no avail.

Oh well, He thought, I was going to be bitter today anyways.

He ended up waiting as long as was absolutely necessary, and procrastinating until 6:15.

Then he wrote his mom a note, saying he'd left early and stuck it to the fridge, heading out the door with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

The morning air was cold.

Not that it bothered him much.

He paused at the curb, his mind wandering to Adam.

He glanced in the direction of his house.

There was something about that boy...

He shook it off, turning the other way and heading down the street.

At lunch Frank looked around the cafeteria. His eyes landed on a kid with a head of dark hair, and dark clothes, sitting alone.

he looked up. Not at Frank, but up in general and he saw that familiar face.


His head was back down now.

Frank walked over to his table, setting his lunch down and looking at him with a slight smile.

Adam slowly looked up at him with wide eyes.

"HI, Adam. Mind if I join you?"Frank asked.

He blinked, shaking off what seemed to be shock, before nodding.

"Sure." he smiled back a little, that blush on his round cheeks again.

Frank blinked as he felt the sudden urge to touch the other boy's face...

...That was weird.

But he couldn't help it! Adam was so cute and squishy-looking.

In a completely platonic way, of course.

"You okay?"Frank asked.

"Yeah, I just...I wasn't expecting you to talk to know, In public..."He frowned.

" you not want me to?"Frank mumbled.

"No! no, I didn't mean that, I just...I'm embarrassing. Me. not you. You're amazing."Adam Sighed.

"No, you're not. Any person who believes that I'm amazing, must have a pretty big heart. You're amazing." Frank smiled softly.

"Besides, what have I got to lose? I don't have anybody else."
He pursed his lips.

"Me either. Everybody hates me. like, literally everyone." Adam frowned.

"Well I don't hate you,"Frank looked at him seriously. "You seem cool."

"I'm not cool. I'm never gonna be 'Cool', I stopped trying a long time ago." Adam laughed a little.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, me too."  Frank rolled his eyes. "But I mean, I wanna get to know you. Maybe we could be friends?"

"You wanna be my friend?"Adam asked softly, smiling a little.

Frank thought it was really cute.

"Yeah. If you want to." He nodded, smiling back.

Adam nodded enthusiastically.

Frank chuckled.

He took a bite of his sandwich.

"Aren't you eating?" He asked.

Adam  shook his head, frowning a little.

"I'm not hungry."

"You sure? I'll split my sandwich with you if you want?" Frank offered.

"That's nice of you,"Adam smiled, "Buy I'm really not hungry. I had breakfast and I guess it stuck with me."He shrugged.

"Oh...okay."Frank nodded.

wow 810 words this time. longer than usual.  hope you don't mind.

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