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"Dad?"Adam called from the living room door.

"What?"Tom snapped, slurring his words.

"I...Nevermind..."Adam whispered, turning away.

"Finish your damn question! what?"

Adam jumped and turned back to him.

"I just...I really miss mom..."He looked down.

Tom stood up.

"Don't talk about her."He looked at Adam in a way that made his heart rate double.


"No! I don't ever want to hear about her again! Why do you always have to argue?!" Tom screamed.

"I-I wasn't trying to argue, I-" Adam mumbled.

"Shut up!" Tom slapped him sharply and he fell back against the wall, his face contoured with hurt as he touched his red, stinging cheek.

He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it, tears shining in his eyes.

"Go to your room."

"That was seriously awesome, though." Frank laughed.

"Yeah. It was pretty cool."Adam smiled.

"I can't believe they thought we were together, though. mean..."Adam laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

There was no way Frank could have wanted that. Adam thought he was repulsive. Every one else in his life had, So Frank must have, too.

Frank stopped laughing, opening his mouth, but soon closing it.

"Yeah, weird, right?"He forced a smile.

"Hey, wanna come over for dinner tonight?" he changed the subject.

"Oh, um...Gosh...I'd really, really love to, but...I have so much homework to finish and..."Adam trailed off.

"Oh, well...we could work on it together if you want?" frank asked.

"No, I...I like to just get it done at home. plus I've got chores." Adam sighed sadly.

"Oh. okay...That's um...That's cool. maybe later?" Frank asked.

"hmm...are you free tomorrow? you know, since we don't have school, maybe then." Adam suggested.

"Sure! That would be awesome!" Frank grinned.

"I'll...I'll have to ask my dad, but...I don't think he'll care." Adam nodded.

"Cool. Hey, um...wanna exchange numbers, so we can talk later?"Frank asked.

"Uh, sure."Adam pulled out his phone.

He opened his contacts and tapped 'add contact'.

Frank did the same and they exchanged phones, adding their numbers to the other phones and trading back once again.

Adam had put his own name in, but Frank, being, well...Frank, Added himself as 'Punk'.

He quickly typed out "Not dead" and laughed when Adam almost dropped his phone as it popped up.

"Hehe...I don't get many texts..."He blushed, laughing awkwardly.

"But anyways, I see what you did there." he winked, changing the subject.

"I think we're gonna be friends."Frank grinned, stopping as they came to his house.

"It okay if I text you whenever I find out what my ma's making? just to make sure it's okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." Adam nodded.

"I guess I will talk to you later then." Frank winked.

"Bye Adam." he laughed.

"Bye Frank!"

Frank stepped inside the house and Adam started walking farther down the road, to his own home.

Same as always.

My Eleven year old brother walked in and hit me with a baguette and called it a "Bread-Sword" like wtf?? 😂😂

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