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The flash back ends with the old hag inhyeong stealing mrs cjys necklace and eating it
The lights show mrs. Mark rushing with squeso to the crusty death room. She sees moonbin on the way and kicks him over so he lands in the buckets of milk with jisoo.

Mrs mark: u gave me an std u cont I hate u I was saving my virginity for my bumsonnie

Squeso: a day in the life *opens the door to inhyeongs death bed with inhyeong snorting crack*

Mrs mark: *does a backflip next to inhyeong* lemme smash

Juggernuggets: ?????? OppAr??????

Mrs mark: its eONnIe to you, swine

Jughernuggets: hey mama lets pick a night just you and I *starts coughing* daddy

Mrs mark and squeso: ???????????

Juggernuggets: come closer children, for I am about to tell you that the one named yolover is actually from some rich fuck household

Mrs mark: o shit I should have given him whisky instead of gin im so rood

Inhyeong: I'm dyINg coMe hiThEr

Mrs mark: yeas deariepoo?

Inhyeong: *whispers* I'M straight *dies*

Everyone gasps

Mrs mark: straight??? In my house??????? Ew fukr

Mr bumson: *appearing* I'll eat her, is she organic?????

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