Chapter 3: One of Them

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Jungkook's POV:

"Hey Kook, I'm back." The voice distracts my attention from reviewing our winter edition magazine ideas, which have been submitted recently.

"Welcome back, uncle, how's the office doing?" I greet him, glad he's back from visiting his office in Ulsan.

"Honestly, Jungkook, I hate leaving you on your own just to go check on them every few days," he frowns, running a hand through his hair. "But they're not doing so good. I need to put someone reliable in charge."

"It's okay, uncle, I'm not a kid anymore and I can take of myself." My voice remains firm to emphasise my point.

"No matter how old you get, I made a promise to myself, that I would take care of you after your father..." Trailing off, he sits, motioning for me to do the same. "I know you're strong. You don't need me looking out for you, but my brother would have wanted me to stick by you."

"I understand." I keep my response short and blunt, attempting to prevent any deep emotions from spilling. That's what weakens me.

"So, you hungry?" He beams, karate chopping my back to switch the bittersweet atmosphere.

"I could eat." I shrug, following him to the kitchen.

Frankly, I'm not sure how I feel about my uncle. He's the only family I have beside me, and sometimes I can't help but feel he's too much of a reminder of my father. Is that a good or bad thing?

We begin to cook, both of us doing various things to speed up the whole process. Preparing the dishes, I am startled by the abrupt sound of shattering glass right behind me. I whip my head around, witnessing my uncle, unconscious on the kitchen floor, surrounded by pieces of glass that are broken into smithereens.

"Uncle!" I sprint across the shattered glass, dismissing the sharp pain as the broken pieces pierce through my flesh, causing blood to seep across the kitchen tiles. "Uncle, wake up!"

Struggling through the ache, I grab a glass of water, splashing a few drops on his face, before he jolts and regains his consciousness. Allowing a sigh of relief to escape my lips, I surround my arms around him, closing my eyes to embrace his familiar, fatherly essence.

"I'm fine, Jungkook-ah, it's probably from exhaustion. I haven't been sleeping properly." He clarifies as we break from the hug. "Oh my god, look at your feet!" His eyebrows furrow in alarm as he reaches for a box of tissues, wiping the excess blood off of my feet.

"Don't worry, I'll heal pretty quick."

"I don't care! You should be more careful in the first place." He frowns, now beginning to clear the floor of the bigger pieces of glass.

Soon after finishing our meal, uncle regains his strength as we clear away the mess we've managed to make. Working alongside each other, me continuing to review my work and him organising his company's financial statistics, the room falls into a comfortable silence.

"Oh, by the way, we need to look for another model for the winter edition. Minho finished his contract and the idiot is requesting for a sabbatical." Rolling my eyes, I update uncle on affairs of the company since he's my right-hand man.

"Why can't you just use Ben?" He questions, continuing to type on his laptop.

"Ben's not a supermodel. I need someone great for this edition."

"Hm right, then ask Hoseok to find some people." He nods, agreeing with my decision.

"Glad you agree." I grin.

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