Chapter 11: Overtime

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Hi there!🙈

Author's POV:

Jimin lays on his bed, darkness consuming his room as his mind wonders and battles with the thoughts running through it. Flashback of his capturer's face haunts his mind, causing him to shiver in fear, yet he wonders why Jungkook does not have the same effect on him. Hundreds of questions flood his mind about vampires, werewolves and everything supernatural which he always denied, yet they exist.

With messy thoughts overwhelming his mind, the boy gradually slips into a dreamland where nightmares have recently welcomed themselves.

The blinding rays of sunshine cast their glow on the boy's face, causing it to distort due to the brightness. Sluggish and still half-asleep, Jimin yawns and drags himself out of bed, only to be conflicted again. After a few long minutes of contemplating, he prepares to return to work, return to Hugo, who appeared as a monster in his dreams. However, despite everything, Jimin remains optimistic about his future and nothing can become an obstacle for him at this point.

Finally stepping into the building, he rushes up to his desk to be greeted by a smiling Namjoon. Although his nerves are prickling with anxiety, witnessing the sweet smile on Namjoon's face brings one to his own.

"Morning, how was your weekend?" Namjoon's deep voice snaps Jimin out of his thoughts.

There is a moment of silence, in which everything that happened flashes before Jimin's eyes like a fast-forwarded movie before he covers up his worry with a half-smile.

"It was..." He scatches the back of his head. "Eventful."

"Ah! I wonder what you got up to." Namjoon smirks, nudging the younger's shoulder. "Anyway Jimin-ah, I was wondering if you're free tonight, would you want to get dinner?"

A deep blush covers the younger's cheeks as his heart speeds up at the thought of going on a date with his hyung. Without a second thought, he unleashes the widest smile as his head frantically nods.

"Great! I'll let Jin know, he's been waiting to meet you ever since I told him how cute you were." Namjoon claps his hands, reaching for his phone.

"Who's Jin?" Jimin's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention. Jin's my boyfriend." Namjoon chuckles, totally missing the disappointment on the boy's face.

Jimin smiles despite the growing sting in the corner of his eyes. Deflated out of his excitement, he drags himself to his desk, allowing a tear to roll down his cheek whilst his back is to Namjoon. The older male remains oblivious to this as he continues to text his boyfriend, allowing Jimin to prepare for the day.

Meanwhile, Jungkook sits in his office, his concentration disturbed by the sound of Jimin's voice. Though he is capable of blocking everything out, he cannot help but eavesdrop on their conversation, surprised that Jimin decided to come back to work. He expected to be receiving a resignation letter.

Having heard the full conversation between the two guys, he marches towards the door, almost barging out of his office and startling the heartbroken boy. Like a reflex, their eyes lock, one pair holding back tears and the other searching for any sign of fear towards himself.

"Mr. Park, my coffee?" The hybrid finally speaks, breaking Jimin out of his somber mood.

Jimin fidgets, cursing himself mentally for forgetting to get Jeon's coffee; however, his mind was occupied with more alarming matters, like his boss ripping him to shreds than to think of coffee.

"I'm sorry, sir. I forgot to get it this morning." Jimin bows, playing with his fingers that he hide behind his back.

Expectedly, Jungkook scowls, calling Jimin into his office. Brushing off his personal matters, the boy scurries to his boss's room, closing the door behind him.

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