Chapter 29: A Broken Spell

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Hello! Well damn, I didn't think the vote goal would be reached so quickly, but a promise is a promise so here's an update.😅 Thank you so much, cupcakes, it really makes me happy to see so many of you are enjoying the story.😢


I'm aiming for 70 votes?💜

Author's POV:

Never did Jimin think his life would come to this: one that includes hybrids and vampires, bloodshed and sacrifice, and possibly many other things he still hasn't discovered in this unforeseeable world. As the boy lays sleepless on the bed, the window wide open to let in the dawn breeze, the sky patiently awaits the emerge of the sun. And that would be it. Once the sun peaks through the horizon, it's a new day - the day which might be his last.

Still, he has a couple of more minutes before the new day begins, so he drags himself out of bed and rushes out of the room. He tiptoes down the stairs, not wanting to wake the couple so early in the morning, though much like Jimin, they couldn't get a moment of sleep all night. Jimin opens the front door, his face instantly hit by the icy chill in the morning air before he sits on the patch of grass covering the porch. It's beautiful. Just as he gawks at the sky and waits for the sun to emerge, the memory of watching the sunset with Jungkook pops into his head, bringing a lump to his throat. To him, that moment felt so close, so intimate that he, for a fleeting number of seconds, forgot that Jungkook was his boss. 

The birds sing, almost like their chirps have formed a choir, echoing the pretty sound throughout the neighbourhood. Jimin can only smile at the sound, hugging himself to keep warm. He never thought something so simple, something as mundane as the sunrise can be so thrilling, however, that thrill may just be his nerves already prickling in fear of what's to come. But he doesn't want to think about that, only for a moment, he'd like to close his eyes and just... Breathe. 

And he does. 

The moving sun casts its glow on Jimin's face, making him open his eyes, only to squint at the brightness. He lowers his head, delighted at the idea of seeing Jungkook, but he has enough apprehension to cloud even the smallest tinge of happiness. With one final peek at the sky, he stands and walks towards the door. 

"Wait for me," He whispers before entering the house. 

"Jungkookie, let's meet at our usual place. I haven't seen you since you got back from Paris." Hoseok whines over the phone, careful not to sound any of his real emotions to the hybrid since he might grow suspicious. 

"I'm busy," Jungkook responds coldly, raising panic in Taehyung and Jimin since they're listening to the whole conversation. Using crazy motions, they urge Hoseok to persuade the hybrid in any way he can. Their entire plan depends on Jungkook agreeing to meet Hoseok. If they can't do the easiest part, how the hell are they going to execute the dangerous parts of their so-called, amazing plan? 

"Oh, come on! We'll be in a secluded place so we can really spend some real time together. I really miss you, Kook," Hoseok says, hoping he can tempt Jungkook with his words. 

"Fine, meet me there in two hours," Jungkook responds, already planning how he's going to attack the male. It might be nice tasting hyung's blood

Upon arranging the meeting, the three of them gather the last couple of things they may need. Taehyung slots the stake in one of his belt loops and covers it with his shirt. He must allow only Jungkook to use the stake against GD when he is free of the spell, since only Jungkook has enough physical strength to jab the weapon in him. Jimin runs to grab a razor from the bathroom. He'll need to use it to make himself bleed.

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