Time to go home

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"What day is it?"

Oh milaya it's only been a two hours, i heard my sweet russian god chuckle
How bad is it?, i was laying in my bed, my mom and abe sitting on the sofa across from me in the room.
Dimitri of course laying in the bed next to me.

"Not too bad, there was no blood so we decided not to take you to hospital. 
seems like a minor concussion, my dad said as he stood up.

'Thanks abe' any food available? I'm starving.
I'll go make something for you milaya, dimitri whispered and kissed my cheek as him and abe walked out of my room.

"He was a mess rose" my mom said as she stood up to sit next to me on my bed.
"I've never seen a man panic so much"

He's a keeper mom, i love him.

So i need to know this, who of the three of you saw me naked?
I know dimitri did.

Just dimitri sweetheart, he had you covered in a towel when i walked in and your father came in after he brought you to your bed, she said.

I don't even know how that happened. Maybe the hot water and lavender made me drowsy and i stood up too fast.

"Maybe." said my mother.

The next morning dimitri and i still planned on leaving, we had all your belongings packed and Dimitri had everything piled together neatly.

"Ready to go baby?" my russian god was excited to take me home and have me to himself.
Since i fell he's been very attentive and carrying me everywhere, he refuses to let me walk with a concussion.

'Ready comrade'
After a very very long flight we made it to court, so happy to be home where i belong.

We arrived on the landing strip welcomed by lissa and Christian.

"Hey Rosie" said Christian and by the look dimitri gave him he could tell something was up, I just want to go home at this point,
Lissa picked up on my moodiness immediately and knew that I just needed to be alone with my man.
The drive home from the airstrip felt longer than it was.
We finally pulled up to the driveway and Dimitri got me inside while Christian helped with the luggage before they left.
Dimitri unpacked all our stuff as i layed on the couch.

What's wrong? You don't look well.

Just tired, my head is aching and I'm getting some chest pains. Maybe we can just go to bed early?
"Sure honey"
he swooped me up in his arms and carried me to our bedroom, he layed me down on the bed and took off my shoes and jeans then did the same for himself.
He crawled up next to me and pulled me to him, his scent and the sound of his breathing instantly soothing me.

"Sleep my roza, I love you so much and I can't wait to call you my wife"

"I love you more my comrade"

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