help me.

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August 28,2019

David's pov

Gabbie!!! Wake up!! I yell to Gabbie as I run into her house.
"David what the fuck, it's like 8 am, wht the hell are you up so early??" Gabbie yells at me.
D- Gabbie I think Liza went missing
G- What do you mean you think she went missing??
D- I found this note on her kitchen counter.

It read:
Dear David, if you want to see Liza again you have to follow all these directions carefully and correctly. Now if you want Liza's phone go to the one place she loves to eat the most. There you will find more clues as to why you can't find Liza.            -Love,Unknown

D- Shit, OH Gabbie!! I remember were she likes to eat
G- Where?
D- Chipotle
G- Right. Let's go.
D- But wait, what if something bad happens. I need some of the boys to be here now.
I start dialing all theses numbers telling people to come to my house within 20 mins.

15 mins later-
Z- David!! What's wrong??
S- Yeah David what's up, you don't  look to good.
D- It's Liza, I think she has been kidnapped and I need you guys help.
Z- I'll go come on.
S- Me too
G- All right guys off to Chipotle
Z- Wait, I thought this was important
D- It is, why you saying that
Z- Because y'all talking bout let's go to Chipotle and Liza is in a situation enough now.
D- Zane look at this note, that will explain everything.
Z- Damn
D- I  know.

We arrive at Chipotle and look around for a note. Then on a table in the very back lies and note in the chair. It reads:

Great, Dobrik, you know her so well. Now go to her favorite spot to sit and look at the view. Hurry, because time is running out.       -Love,Unknown

Oh, I know where she likes to sit and watch the view.
G- Where?
D- The roof of my apartment.
Z- Ok bro let's go.

We are driving to my apartment and all I can think about is if Liza is ok. I know I don't tell  this to her but, I love her alot and I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Gabbie taps my shoulder. "David, are you good?" Yeah, I'm fine. "Don't worry so much, I think Liza is fine." Ok if you say so.

Great were here. We all run to the roof. When we get there, she and him are standing there.

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