Preston X Reader

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[[ SCENE ]]
Pairing: Preston Goodplay X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language [[ it’s Camp Camp what do you expect, you squares ]]
Word Count: 2,118

[[ A/N: Why Preston? Because A.) I love my Theatre Boi and B.) He’s fun to write.

Reader is 15 and Preston is 16

It’s nearing 3:00AM please send help ]]

“'Pop 101?'

“He’s like a fucking book labelled ‘Pop 101’. I’m not even fucking with you like I usually do.” Max deadpanned, eyebrows creased together. “Literally all he’s babbling about right as of now is Pop Music. It’s making me want to fucking hang myself.”


“Because he’s talking about Pop Music. You deaf?”

“Not that, you dick. I meant why is he rambling on about Pop Music?”

“He says because it ruins the purpose of music itself? I don’t fucking know.” Max scowled and you chortled at this. “You’re obviously wanting me to go talk to him, hm?” “Maybe you can shut him up with a kiss or some shit.”

Your eyes squinted at the short male, who leered back. “You’re an asshole.” “Yeah, pretty apparent; no need to rub it in.” “What-”

“I’m serious, [ NAME ]!” Preston barked. “Pop Music ruins everything! It pretty much just...just...I don’t know!” “Whoa there, Preston. Calm down.” You crossed your arms and grimaced. Preston actually seemed extremely hassled over the occurrence. How can you tell? His hands were interweaved in his now disheveled rebel-colored locks, and his sun-colored hues were undilated.

Not to mention, his cosmo-complex was a ghost white.

“Preston, are you really that stressed over-” “DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT THIS IS SUCH A SIMPLE SUBJECT BECAUSE IT ISN’T!” Preston bellowed. His once apathetic facial expression diminished when he notice how you recoiled at his outburst.

“I-I’m sorry, [ NAME ]...I just-” he stammered. “...Max was right. I’m being childish over nothing.” “No, Preston-” your hands found both of his wrists in a tight but not too tight restraint to keep him from fleeing. “First of all, you never let me finish my sentence. Second of all, calm down. It won’t help that you’re making a...scene.” ((//badum tssh...that wasn’t intentional I swear))

Preston’s shoulders slumped and his arms seemed to go limp. Your [ EYE COLOR ] hues met his.

“I mean...maybe it is a bit childish, but…” You trailed off. “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t state your opinion. Alright?” Preston cracked a confident beam. “Will do. Thanks so much, [ NAME ]!” He chirped before throwing his arms around your shoulders as if hugging you. A small but sincere smile danced its way onto your lips when you hugged him back.

“Anytime, Preston.”


Max scowled when you gave him a smug look. “Nah. I made it ten times better.” “FUCK!” He flared as David walked by. “Language, Max.” He scolded, but Max was having none of it as per usual. “Go fuck yourself, David.” You pursed your lips slightly. “Yeah, langauge, Max.” You mocked and David beamed at this. Max was not amused at all.

“Kill yourself.” “Hey!” David suddenly snapped and stepped in-between both you and Max, interrupting your little argument. “That is not acceptable.” Max looked over to you and sneered when you gave him a smirk. Female and close friend or not, he was going to give you a black eye.

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