Nikki X Reader

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[[ PRIDE ]] - PART 1/2
Pairing: Nikki X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Max being a little shit.
Word Count: 842 (so far)

Requested/Suggested by:

[[ A/N: Hey guys! Finally posting another fic. Damn.

I know this was requested a loooong time ago and I literally wrote like part of it as it had been requested, but I stopped writing due to writer's block and whatnot. This has been sitting in Google Docs for a bit now and I haven't finished it yet but I decided to post this fic in parts!

Enjoy! Reader and Nikki are both 15 in this. ♡♡♡

An asterisk ( * ) means a definition and/or translation of a specific word/saying, by the way.

Last but not least, obviously the wonderful art doesn't belong to me. ]]

Today was marked of importance, at least to the counselors. Nikki, as well. June 28th. Pride Day(*).

David wore a rainbow-striped bandana around his neck to show appreciation for those who were gay, and Gwen wore a short-sleeved pink, lavender, and blue-striped shirt with “Bi and Proud”(*) in capital bubble letters plastered square (( lmao )) in the middle of the fabric.

Why was Pride Day important to Nikki? Simple. She was a lesbian.

That was her ultimate secret, however. Nobody had been informed about her sexuality. She always lied, said that she was straight...and that wasn’t the Nikki everybody came to know and love. She always expressed herself and she sure as hell hadn’t been afraid to do so.

Until she met her.

A beautiful, stunning, adventurous, girl. Also known as? [ NAME ] [ SURNAME ].

Before she arrived, Nikki had feelings for Ered; but she already had a girlfriend herself(*), so it was far too late. Besides, Ered only saw her as a friend. Of course Nikki was heartbroken, but she understood why Ered had seen her as a friend and friend only--because Ered had been older than Nikki and they honestly never really talked much at all.

The “cool” female wasn’t at Camp Campbell anymore. Ered was way too old to be a Camper, and she didn’t want to be a counselor, so she saw no point in staying.

Anyways, back to the present…

It was currently lunchtime, so everyone had arrived in the Mess Hall to get food before activities and whatnot. Once Nikki got her tray of…“food”, she hurried over to one of the tables where Max and Neil sat themselves and pulled out a chair to sit.

Both Max and Neil exchanged baffled glances at no comment or look from Nikki as she sat down in the chair and started poking at her food. It was highly unusual of the energetic female to not be so...energetic.

“Nikki,” Neil commenced. “Is something wrong?”

Neil’s question had caught Nikki’s attention and her gaze met his.

“What?” She questioned back and Neil pursed his lips. “What the fuck is wrong, Nikki? You’re acting weird.” Max basically repeated Neil’s question as he pushed away the tray of food that lay untouched in front of him.

“Nothing.” Nikki lied and Max snorted. “Bullshit. You’re usually off the charts and hyper; right now you’re like a lifeless doll and it’s scaring me. Now spill.”

Nikki’s froly-colored hues dulled and she huffed, suddenly pulling at her messy silver-tree locks, as if hesitant to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. “I…”

“Max, we shouldn’t really make Nikki-” “shut the hell up, Neil. I’m actually concerned for once. And actually curious as to what’s going, Nikki, spill.” Max pretty much banged his fist on the table.

“Well...I mayyyyy have a crush on one of the Campers.”

This caused Max to lean over to Nikki.

“Go on…”

Nikki exhaled and continued on.

“...It’s possibly [ NAME ].” “I TOLD YOU, NEIL!” Max flared. He pointed an accusing finger at the  male. Neil held up his hands in surrender and the jaded sixteen-year-old snorted.

“Calm the hell down, Max.” Neil scowled. Max crossed his arms. “Damn, you finally admit.” “What do you mean by ‘I told you, Neil’?” Nikki frowned. Max leaned back in his chair, feet on the table. “I had a theory that you have taken a romantic liking to [ NAME ]. Neil called bullshit but now he can’t because I WAS CORRECT!

Neil rolled his eyes and mumbled “whatever” under his breath before his gaze landed on the tray of food in front of him and he began to poke it with a fork.

“Now…” Max started and crossed his arms. “We need a plan to get you and [ NAME ] together.” He smirked and Nikki felt her face heat up. “Whaaat? No. [ NAME ] doesn’t like me that way!” She whined and Max sneered. “You’re so oblivious.”

Neil pulled at the collar of his turtleneck. “Uhm, Max-” “shut your whore mouth, Neil.” Max sat straight up. He then turned to face Nikki. “[ NAME ] really likes you. Trust me. You should see the way she looks at you when you’re not paying attention.” He looked around for [ NAME ]’s figure and smirked when he was successful, seeing as she had been glancing at Nikki whenever she could.

Max proceeded to wave, his fingers outstretched as if he were about to grab something.

[ NAME ] blinked and slowly waved back. Her friends nudged her and gave smirks, to which she said something that Max couldn’t quite catch due to how loud it was in the Mess Hall. All he got was “shut the hell up”.

“She keeps glancing at you.” Max pointed out and Nikki huffed.

Before the two could say another word, Nikki stood up with her tray of substance, turned away, and walked off.

“Great. Now look what you did.” Neil glared and Max flipped him off.

“We need a plan.” “‘We’? Oh no. I’m not in on this.” “Well, guess what? You have no choice.”

(*) PRIDE DAY - Of course most of you know this! But if not I'll put something here anyways:
Pride Day, celebrated on June 28th (announced as an official celebration/"Holiday" in 1970 on that exact same day), was about LGBTs (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender) altogether. Of course we can't forget about Queer! I just thought it'd be a little nice touch for this fic. And in my headcanon/AU, the campers and counselors love to celebrate it.

(*) "BI AND PROUD" - It is said that Gwen is possibly Bisexual; I just couldn't resist adding this small but also important detail into the mix. ♡

(*) ERED'S GIRLFRIEND - In my headcanon/AU, Ered is a lesbian. Just thought it'd be a cool little thing to add into there as well. Just like her cool gay dads.

Hope you liked this so far! Sorry it's so short. </3

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