[[ David X Reader ]] X Daniel

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[[ SAFE ]] - PART 1/2
Pairing: Daniel X [[ Fem!Reader X David ]]
Warnings: Language, Forced Relations[hip] // meaning sexual themes. //, Angst, Violence???
Word Count: 4,018 [[ so far ]]

[[ A/N: No softie softie Daniel like other oneshots. Sorry, guys; maybe next time. But for now, have this Daniel X Reader X David //mostly gonna be a David X Reader because yes//

Sorry if anybody’s OOC.

Also, this goes from 0 to 100 real quick. Just a warning. There's also a mention of rape, so if that easily triggers you please click away. I don't want to cause any havoc.

I will be uploading Part 2/2 when I can, then I'll start working on the Pikeman X Reader insert after. Thanks for reading and enjoy. ]]

No, you didn’t feel safe.

You didn’t want to.

Not with...him.


He would bore at you and stay as close as he could when nobody else was around. It was unsettling and altogether frightening--especially since Daniel was a Cultist. How did you know?

Max shared some interesting and disturbing information about Daniel. Also, you just had a hunch.

“I stole David’s phone so don’t say shit to him.” Max flared. His once sunshade complexion was now a ghost-pale due to how frightened and apprehensive he had been.

You were in the counselor's’ cabin, getting some rest because you sustained an injury while hiking with David, Daniel, and the rest of the campers. “What is this all about now?” You were completely baffled on why Max was acting so hysterical and neurotic. The jaded ten-year-old leisurely glanced to you, eyebrows creased together.

“Because Daniel,” he barked. “Is a fucking Cultist!”

Lips pursed, your [ EYE COLOR ] hues dulled ever so slightly at Max’s statement. Or observation.

“And don’t act like you don’t know or believe it too because the look on your face is crystal clear, [ NAME ].” Max decussated his arms, the look on his face pretty much merely emphasizing or stating “don’t lie to me or I’ll make your life miserable as fuck”. You exhaled and hung your head in defeat.

“Fine, yes. You’re correct. No wonder I’ve felt so paranoid and in danger around Daniel.” You mumbled. Max inhaled.

“According to this article, Daniel has managed to successfully kill thousands and thousands of children at Camps because he led them to believe that ‘ascension’ was a good thing. If we don’t stop him, our Camp could be next.”

The ten-year-old handed David’s phone to you, to which you proceeded to scroll through the article. Once you were done, you deleted the search result from the history and set David’s phone on his bed.

“What are we going to do?”

Max’s head perked up, his mountain-meadow hues meeting your dull [ EYE COLOR ] ones. “That’s the question I’ve been asking myself all day; I figured we don’t have much time. Daniel seems like he’s in a big hurry, and that’s not a good sign.”

Silence was now in the air. Max’s sudden quiet but audible suggestion cut right through it.

“You’re possibly not going to like this idea, but it’s all I’ve got right as of now. Ready?” He catechized and you shifted in your spot but nodded.

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