Laksh Maheswari the hearth robe of all girls and the hottest businessman till date who is notorious for his cold-hearted personality unknowingly falls for an innocent angel in form of a person, that is Ragini Gadodia. What will happen if his passion...
Hey guys I am sorry ,I can't be very regular but for now I can definitely give as many chapters as I can. Just that I am preoccupied with my family. So here u go guys the next chappy..
Ragini came to the hall where all the guests gathered to witness swasan exchanging the rings.
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She smiled amidst her tears as she felt happy for her sister who was finally getting engaged to the love of her life. She smiled widely but just then her eyes fell on laksh who was watching her intensely with an serious expression clearly depicting that he wasn't really satisfied with her answers.
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Ragini's eyes again became teary but she composed herself while she stood next too sharmishtra who was busy admiring both swasan. She knew she can't hide her pain and that answer of hers definitely wasn't the truth and somehow laksh will get furious on her responds. But she had to as from her point of view laksh deserves someone better and this love which laksh confessed to her was just a mere confusion between love and infatuation. Laksh who was watching her all the while got annoyed as she didn't look up at him for once. For a moment he thought of rushing towards her and smash his lips upon hers kissing her madly not caring about the society. He had the urge to do so but he didn't want to as he was not that inconsiderate to spoil her reputation. Just then swasan came to the elders while their fingers were entangled with each other after their engagement.
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