Laksh Maheswari the hearth robe of all girls and the hottest businessman till date who is notorious for his cold-hearted personality unknowingly falls for an innocent angel in form of a person, that is Ragini Gadodia. What will happen if his passion...
Raglak room Ragini came out of the washroom wearing a light blue and pink gorget saree with simple yet elegant designs adorning her attire.
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She was wiping her wet hair which was sticking upon her pale unmarked milky skin. Just then laksh entered the room after his morning workout but stopped dead on his tracks seeing his living doll standing infront of the mirror in all her glory.
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Laksh sighed as he placed his palm over his chest whinning dramatically which caught ragini's attention. She looked at him narrowing her big brown eyes and pouted her plump lips looking at his antics.
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" uff. My wife killed me with her looks! I wonder if she has the least sympathy on me. She kills me every single moment with her beauty and of all her innocence. Gosh.. Life is never safe for men especially laksh maheswari when he has a beauty right infront of him. " he added dramatically while ragini rolled her eyes. " laksh? What are you upto early in the morning?" she asked suspiciously while he immediately composed himself and looked at her blinking his eyes. " kuch nahi!" he answered her and smiled at her goofily.
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